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Iskadi, also commonly known as Skadi, is a spiral galaxy, located near the center of what is known as Herschel Space. Iskadi territory is in hands on what collectively is known as Lewis Nations, a group of nations integral which formed the Herschel Space. Most of it is divided between the Empire of Mankind, the Union, the United Alliance, the Intergalactic Federation and the Republic of Sion.


Formation Era[]

  • 6.5 Billion years BCE to 73 million years BCE.

This period corresponds to the creation and formation of the Galaxy as a whole. Civilizations that lived in this period have been considered a mistery in Iskadi as all have disappear from the fossil records or have never been encountered. Nevertheless, I is known that somewhere around 10 million years, a civilization might have existed in a third of the Galaxy but not even the name has been recorded. It's presence has been taken from the S'aka which are much more recent records, since the presence of such civilization in the Galaxy came to be 3-4 million years before the S'aka came to be. This means that their understanding of this civilization might have been distorted already, so findings have been handle carefully.

Unknown Iskadi Era[]

  • 73 million BCE to 7.7 million BCE

The Era is mostly unknown although presence of some early species and civilizations have been found, most remain unknown to Xeno-historians. The names of this species have gone into oblivion but possibly none were large or advance enough to travel to other galaxies or be prominent throughout the entire galaxy.

S'aka Era[]

  • 7.8 million BCE to 6 million BCE.

The S'aka civilizarion arose in the Lewis Galaxy and thius travel to Iskadi somewhere around the 14-13 million BCE and began a process of colonization and absorbing most of the intelligent species within their nation, spreading S'aka teachings to them. Due to the variety of the remains found in the opposite corners of the Galaxy, it is assumed that they held control over most of it till the events happening somewhere around 10 million BCE, when all species vanish from the Galaxy in an event called "the Ascendance".

Misonone Era[]

  • 6 million BCE to 5 million BCE.

A civilization that existed over three thirds of the Galaxy. It was prosperous and was made out of the alliance of 7 species. They seemed to have been at peace since the formation of their nation, which was known as the "Yesene Aroi". This species, for unknown reasons seemed to have ended in tensions between themselves and later into a major civil war that led to the crumbling of their civilization. They seemed to have had some sort of worship for the previous S'aka trying to imitate them to achieve "ascendancy".

Lan-Silen Era The Long Silence[]

  • 5 million BCE to 4 million BCE

Its an era covering 1 million years, in which no major civilization existed in the galaxy. However, smaller nations seemed to have appear (somewhere around 4.5-4.2 million BCE) without much success, as none covered more than a 15% of the Galaxy and have naturally died off or regressed, such is believed to be the case with the ancestors of the W'iin. By the late 4.1 million BCE, many species began to devellopped into early space colonization, such as the Ashurdan, but their evolution and progress came abruptely to an end when the Telusians showed up and enslaved most of them.

During the Long Silence Era, about most of the Galaxy remained largely unsettled, allowing for fauna and flora to form and thrive, even expand in the Galaxy, away from intelligent life.

Telusian Era[]

  • 4 million BCE to 3.5 million BCE.

The civilization came from Avana. Conquerors as they were, Iskadi was at the fringes of Telusian territory and about a third of the Galaxy managed to scape total control. A species called Ashurdan, was said to thrive in this this third of the Galaxy, on a constant cold war with the Telusians. Apparently they were fierced warriors and managed somehow to survive being anihilated by the Telusians. However, the fall of the Telusians and the Great Chaos deeply affected them. And for some unknown reasons, the Ashurdan retreited to a very small space of Iskadi. They seem to be the ancestors of the Awoh.

The Great Chaos Era[]

  • 3.5 million BCE to 3.3 million BCE

At this time, most of the Galaxy was crumbling and the Telusians were regressing massively. Mass sacrifices or suicide was carried out. Civil wars were rampant and finally, by the end of 3.5 million BCE, the Telusians were all but gone from Iskadi, either had left or died. Some primitive species however are believed to descend from them.

Later, between 3.4 million and 3.3 million BCE, the galaxy endured a very slow recovery. No mayor civilization seemed to exist. The Ashurdan continue their regression further into the Awoh. However, one of the species started to thrive somewhere around 3.3 million BCE, ending the long Chaos and thriving once more in the Galaxy.

Jeket Era[]

  • 3.3 million BCE and 2.7 million BCE

The Jeket were a civilization that existed over more than half Iskadi. They inhabited most of what is today the Imperial Space of the Galaxy. The Jeket were a very mysterious race that used ritual sacrifices to a myriad of gods and seem to have been a very theocratic nation. They seem to have gone through a War against an other extragalactic nation that they called the "Ojket", which to human xeno-archeologist is more commonly known as the Vemex. It has been theorized that the Jeket were taken as slaves by them or destroyed. Others think that their religious practices were the cause of their downfall, joined by the war against these extragalactic beings. The Jeket had managed to settled several worlds before going extinct after an event that is still under investigation, related to the released of a mortal sickness to avoid slavery and wipe out their enemies (the Vemex), taking them as well in the process.

Remains of the Jeket have also been found in other Galaxies although it is unknown if it was them expanding to those Galaxies or if it was the Vemex importing Jekets into other Galaxies.

During the Jeket golden age, before they came into contact with the Vemex, their larger enemies was the previous Ashurdan. As they advanced further into the Galaxy, the Ashurdan retreated further into their space and started to crumble after loosing a major war against the Jeket. The nation dwingles and finally ends into a single primitive world containing live. Most Ashurdan go extinct or are taken by the Jeket or the Vemex.

They disappeared in 2.6 million BCE alongside the Vemex in a massive extinction event they created, but they had been at war since 2.8 million BCE against the Vemex, the time they appeared in Iskadi for the first time. Some called the gap between 3.3 and 2.6 million BCE the Jeket-Vemex era instead.

Vemex Era[]

  • 2.8 million BCE to 2.6 million BCE

This period corresponds to the rise of the Vemex in the Galaxy. They are a species coming from the nearby Rodaun. They fought a long standing war with the Jeket for the dominion of Iskadi, winning and assimilating the later Jeket.

Post Jeket-Vemex Recovery Era[]

  • 2.6 million BCE to 1.3 million BCE

During this time not much occurs in the Galaxy. No big intelligent life seems to have arose in the galaxy during this period.

Riniu Era[]

  • 1.3 million BCE to 202 000 BCE

This civilization lived over a third of Iskadi, very encicled within themselves and was very particular in its ways. The Riniu used their technology through something called "The Membrane". Their extinction is very much linked to the loss of their ability to use the Membrane. Apparently it was a sort of revenge for the purge of the Lo Uhamz, whom they chased to extinction. The Riniu and Lo Uhamz were ar war, the Lo Uhamz had occupied a quarter of the galaxy but were facing intense "morality issues" and had become heavily stagnated. The Lo Uhamz evolved somewhere around 1 million BCE to 900 000 BCE, and both Civilization came into contact somewhere around 400 000 BCE, waging war somewhere around 300 000-280 000 BCE. The Lo Uhamz came to extinction by purged thanks to the Riniu somewhere in 250 000 BCE and the decay of the Riniu ended in 202 000 BCE when they commited massive genocide due to their inhability to reach the Membrane which apparently drove them insane.

The Short Silence[]

  • 202 000 BCE to 25 000 CE

During this time, no large space civilizations arose. Most of the species in the area grew somewhere in 100 000 BCE, among them the Korkas who would later flourish in their section of space reaching space travel by 25 000 CE, being one of the only species to do so, while the other species born as well around the same time remained primitive to this day.

Korkas Era[]

  • 100 000 BCE to 25 000 CE

They emerged somewhere around 100 000 BCE but did not reach space till 25 000 CE.

Human Era[]

  • 52 000 CE to Present

Exploration of the Galaxy began from the Lewis Galaxy by Imperial Scientists but the curiosity and investigation of it was carried from a far distance. When other Lewis Nations where born and started their own Space Programs, they also looked and investigate the galaxy from afar. It wasn't until 52 009 CE that the First serious exploration of the Galaxy took place by Imperial efforts. Several probes were sent to the Galaxy to collect information. In 52,044 CE the Union began sending probes into the galaxy as well. In 52,073 CE, the United Alliance also join actively the exploration of the Galaxy sending its own probes to other areas unexplored by Imperial Scientists. The Intergalactic federation sent it's probes in 52,102 CE.

Soon, the race to claim this Galaxy between the nations began. The Empire sent its first tribulated vessels to the system in 52,199 CE and landed in several planets, claiming ownership of vast areas of Iskadi for the Empire, before coming back. The United Alliance, in 52,221 CE launched its own tripulated mission, and claimed a vast area of the Galaxy as well.

Seeing this, the Union did the same, and began to explore the galaxy more extensively in 52 144 CE, sending the first tripulated mission in 52 256 CE. It was then that the interest in the Galaxy grew exponentially and many Unionists began to do preparation to jump into this new territory to settled.

The Intergalactic Federation makes its first serious appearance by 52,288 CE, sending more serious investigation probes. Soon after in 52,234CE, the United Alliance sent its first colonization Ship, landing in Planet Fildias, and founding the first effective human colony in Iskadi. By 52,238 CE, the Empire sent its colony ships founding Sobek.

In 52 240 CE, the Union sends its tripulated mission to the Galaxy and in 52 258 CE, the first permanent colony is established in the Planet of Kaien. This planet would soon be replace by other more important Unionsit settlements.

By 52,250 CE the Intergalactic Federation had send their own tripulated vessels to the Galaxy and by 52,264, colony ships settled planet Hermes in the border with the Outer Rim, and expanded illegally over a small nearby area who was claimed by the Empire and the U.A. Hermes soon became among the most populated planets in the Galaxy due to the I.F having control over a small concentrated space flocked by Federal settlers.

In 52,455 CE, A summit between the U.A, the Union, the Empire and the I.F took place on the Moon of Eia, to set the borders of Iskadi between these Nations. The Outer Rim arm was given to the I.F (14% of the Galaxy), while the rest of the Galaxy was equally split between the Empire and the United Alliance (with 43% for each).

The threat was dismissed by the Republic of Sion, which reached the galaxy in 58 110 CE, settling the world of Kelathon. Finally, the second threaty of Eia, signed in 59 485 CE gave recognition to the territorial claims of the Republic of Sion.


The Galaxy has 4 arms and a core:

  • Vedana Arm:

It's divided between the Inner Vedana Arm, the Central Vedana Arm and the Outer Vedana Arm. The later has a low density of population and its populated worlds are scattered, with early colonies and new areas of settlement. No mayor civilizations have been found here (except for the primitive world of Awoh) still there are some Wormhole portals and two hyperspace lane, indicating that the Jeket used this area as a travel departure point to other galaxies The Central Vedana and Inner Vedana show less Jeket influence and lie mostly inside the United Alliance territory. Some of the most important and populated worlds within the Galaxy lie here. The most notable is Fildias, followed by Plegaria (both in the Inner Vedana Arm)

  • Chrysos Arm:

Its the most populated and the one with the highest human density. It is divided between the Inner Chrysos Arm and the Outer Chrysos Arm, although technically a Central Chrysos Arm is sometimes also depicted. Most of this Inner Chrysos Arm is in hands of the Empire of Mankind, with the tip of it, belonging to the Intergalactic Federation, and where Hermes, the main world of this nation lies. The Outer Chrysos Arm is in hands of the Intergalactic Federation, and its population is scattered all over with no major population center. Still an important Federal Military based is here with most settlers being miners, gas extractors, government workers and officials, or farmers. The inner arm has some of the most populated worlds in the Empire of Mankind, with Sobek and Odrunn.

  • Idunn Arm:

Is the longest and largest galactic arm. It is divided into the Inner Idunn Arm, the Mid Idunn Arm (in turn divided between the Mid Internal Idunn arm and the Mid External Idunn Arm, having the later way less importance and population density) and the Outer Idunn Arm. Some important worlds can be found here, such as Amon, Khepri or Tekorka, as well as the Wormhole gate located on the planet Diron. This Arm is as well the home of the only large Alien nation in the Empire, the Korkas, which live and originated here. Most of the arm is in the United Alliance territory, while the inner worlds of the galaxy, towards the core, are located in the Empire of Mankind. The Outer arm is a refuge for syndicate criminals, runaways and other undesirables. As lands of the frontier they are considered dangerous. Shartandra is pretty much considered the center of crime in the Galaxy.

  • Carabela Arm:

This Arm is rather a diffuse an dispersed arm, on the outskirts of the galaxy. It is highly unpopulated and has become a destiny for Imperial colonist. Some primitive worlds can be found, such as Un Yozza. The area is considered mostly empty with very few colonies, although well populated. Many runaways and syndicates take refuge here.

  • The Core:

Its the center of the galaxy and its mostly under control of the Empire of Mankind. Some well populated planets as well as hyperspace lanes are located here.

According to the borders established by the treaty of the Moon of Eia, the political division of the galaxy is as followed:

Elcano Galaxy Nation Blank Planets

It takes around 43% of the Galaxy as it was established by the Moon of Eia treaty. Its largest worlds are Sobek, Odrunn and Amon. Some other important planets are the Egyptian Group of Planets (Sobek, Neftis, Anuket, Jnum, Serket, Atum, Satis, Jonsu, Maat, Neit, Tefnut, Min, Geb and Shu), the Big Four Planets (Amon, Khepri, Bastet and Telopis), the Nordic Group of Planets (Odrunn, Sifnir, Mimir, Buri and Heimdall with Herm sometimes included) the Latin Group of Planets (Parkae, Agripina, Nereida and Lima) and the planets who don't belong to any of this groups, informally named as the Isolated Group of Planets (Aren, Uzen, Arkaia, Rithra, Pan, Eia and Horakai). Some are important such as Dangun and Sortis due to their Wormhole gates. Three Wormhole gates have been built or made operative in the most important worlds of the Empire in the Galaxy and two are added in the borders so to allow intergalactic Travel, connecting Iskadi with the rest of the Universe, the Galaxies and the Nation. The Latin Group, the Egyptian Group, and Arkaia have the largest populations density of the Empire of Mankind in Iskadi. Sobek is the official administrative capital of the region, the first world settled by the Empire (and by humanity) in Iskadi, as well as the most populated world in imperial territory.

Its takes around 43% of the Galaxy as established by the Moon of Eia treaty. The largest worlds here are Fildias and Plegaria. The Administrative capital and the most important is the world of Fildias. It is as well the one with the largest population, closely followed by Plegaria (this planet is the homeworld of the famous Lisa Martinez, explorer and scientist of the U.A), and the first colony of the United Alliance. The Nation main population in this galaxy is located in the Inner and Central Vedana Arms. Some of the most important worlds, include The Nefris Group of Planets (Monthus, Numantia, Takadorias, Haldain, Arandar, Siberia, Lauken, Akederis and Olga), name after the Hyperspace lanes in which they are located in the Central and Outer Arms of the Vedana and Idrunn arms; The Prosperous Worlds (Plegaria, Itheren, Thalon, Oseon, Sira, Homun, Sannis and sometimes Odris), named after its boyant economy and its boosting population, production and growth; The Capital Cluster (includes the worlds of Fildias, Roshar, Kildik, Terediris, Bochum, Yamato, Eia and sometimes Orbis) and the Korkas Planet Group (Tekorka, Okkarka, Ekate, Sarka, Rakon, Karteka, Seleka, Makork, Utakate, Akanan, Tokkun and Keika). However the highest concentration of planets in population and economic relevance are the Capital, some of the worlds of the Capital Cluster, All of the Prosperous Worlds group and partially, some of the Nefris Group of Planets.

It takes around 14% of the Galaxy according to the treaty of the Moon of Eia. All intergalactic territory is part of the Canton of Delta, the administrative body inside the Human Federal Space Nation. The largest world, in the I.F territory as well as the first colony they established in the Galaxy is the Planet Hermes. Its the most populated and important, with a high concentration and density, it is considered to be the most populated in Iskadi. The Planets are set in the Federal Group of Planets (Which includes the Capital, Hermes, Alakra, Gades, Danzig, Hyra and Sirumal), the Outer Nebula group of Planets (Balhae, Lotharin, Iken y Shash) and the Two Far Worlds (Delta and Faunus). The World of Delta is highly populated and militarized, while Faunus is rather rural. The Highest densities are located in the Federal group. The Most populated and important Worlds are Hermes, Alakra, Hyra, Gades, Danzig, Lotharin, Delta, Iken and Balhae.

  • The Korkas Nation:

Its the mayor alien nation within Iskadi, to which they are native. The Korkas have fully integrated into the United Alliance, and although maintain some degree of self-government, they are free to relocate to other worlds. Many Korkas can be found in many world outside the Korkas nation, all over U.A territory, such as Plegaria or Fildias. The Most important world and one of the most populated is Tekorka.

  • Primitive Worlds:

There are four primitive worlds. These are Un Yozza and W'iin (in Imperial territory) and the Awoh and Ejheen in United Alliance territory).

Elcano Galaxy Quadrants

Due to Administration and Navigation Charts, the Galaxy is divided in several quadrants:

  • The Alba Quadrant: It's by far the most populated and with the highest density, engulfing most of the important worlds not only of the Empire but of the Intergalactic Federation in the Galaxy. Its also home to most of the remnants of the Jeket Civilization. Its considered highly developed and civilized. Travel and commerce in the region are safe and a daily routine.
  • The Erica Quadrant: Its the second most populated, and with the Alba Quadrant, they distance themselves largely from the rest of quadrants. It is mostly located in the United Alliance, engulfing most of its crucial and most populated worlds. Travel and commerce are also safe.
  • The Korkas Quadrant: Its a special quadrant that belongs entirely to the Korkas, and has the roughly the same extension of the Korkas Nation and is mostly inhabited by them. The Commerce is intence and is safe to travel, although other races may be intimidated to go far inland into the Quadrant, and prefer to remain outside or in the Capital.
  • The Muriel Quadrant: Its the largest quadrant in terms of territory. Most of its territory belongs to the Intergalactic Federation and the United Alliance. The borders of the Quadrant with the Alba and Erica Quadrants are well populated, prosperous and safe. This areas benefit greatly in terms of population and economic trade with the other quadrants. Other worlds, located further inland or at the outside border struggle more with commerce with the inner core, and the planets are home to bandits and some illegal activity. Still, its well connected and is considered the safest of the "Outer" quadrants.
  • The Pandora Quadrant: Its divided between the Empire of Mankind and the United Alliance, but most of it belongs to the later. Most of the quadrant is sparsely populated and is home to a wave of settlers from the core or other galaxies. Still, travelling in it is considered unsafe, since its the most dangerous of the quadrants in the Entire Galaxy. Shatandra is known for its criminality and to be the home of the Farshlag syndicate in Iskadi. The area next to the Korkas Quadrant and the Erica Quadrant, up to the Horbis Strait, is more populated and peaceful, with large amount of well populated and safe planets.
  • The Isabella Quadrant: Its entirely located on Imperial territory. Most of it is sparsely populated and uncivilized, home for expansion by settlers from the core other Galaxies. It is the second most dangerous quadrant of the Galaxy and many concentrate themselves on few well populated worlds. The Flagshlag uses this quadrant to smuggle illegal clone slaves from the nearby Pandora Quadrant. The area is less diverse than the is Pandora neighbor. Most inhabitants are farmers, miners, factory workers and criminals of many sort. The Quadrant has two wormhole gates, one in Sortis and one in Dangun.


  • The Korkas Nation

The Korkas are the only native intelligent species to remain in Iskadi. They are located within the United Alliance Space of the Galaxy. After some negotiation, they have been integrated into the U.A. They are a peaceful sophisticated nation. Although very old, they reproduce at a very slow rate, what has limited their expansion into the Galaxy. Nevertheless, their lives are also quite long as well.

  • The Ejheen

Native to the planet of the same name, the Ejheen inhabit a frozen world. They live in Cities underground with small settlements above. The Planet is full of undercaves and life forms. The Ejheen are in an early industrial age.

  • The W'iin

This species is native to a waterworld known W'iin as well, they live on a nuclear age, with large cities and nation states. They have been largely ignored by the Empire, who has engulfed their territory nearby. Empire officers have a no intervention policy onto them.

  • The Awoh

Inhabitants of the planet Awoh from which they take their name. Its a tropical planet, with humid conditions and large vegetation areas. The Awoh are somehow archaic but very much studied from afar. Some experts think they will be ready for space colonization in less than 3 000 years.

  • The Yozza

They inhabits the planet Un Yozza, a desert-arid world. They have a primitive culture on a medieval stage of evolution, based on nation states that battled among them constantly.


The Jeket Civilization

The Galaxy was home of a very advanced race, called the Jeket. They inhabited most of what is today the Imperial Space of the Galaxy. They settled several worlds before going extinct after an event that is still under investigation, related to the released of a mortal sickness released to avoid slavery and wipe out their enemies.

The Jeket were a very mysterious race that used ritual sacrifices to a myriad of gods. They seem to have been a very theocratic nation that existed somewhere between 3,500,000 BC and 1,600,000 Bc. They seem to have gone through a War against some other Extragalactic Nation that they called the "Ojket". It has been theorized that they were taken as slaves by them or destroyed. Other think that their religious practices were the cause of their downfall, joined by the war against these extragalactic beings. The Ojket seem to have been what is known to Lewisians as the Vemex Civilization.
