Amaranth Legacy Wiki

The Foremholl is a naturally occurring anomalous fold in space-time located in the Via Lacrimosa Galaxy. Many scientists relate the object to wormholes, however, it has many differences. For one, the inside of this object takes on a much different appearance than that of a typical wormhole. Probes sent through the middle detect tunnels of light and unexplained structures, things not seen in normal wormholes. The most accepted explanation is that it was a small tear in the fold of space-time left over from the formation of the universe. Tears, however, are usually only several Planck lengths in scale, so a tear this big is either unlikely. A small fringe of scientists claim that the object leads to what is known as "Plane Four." Another group simply think it is a wormhole without a destination, although this fundamentally violates the current understanding of wormholes. More testing is needed to determine which, if any, of these opinions are correct.

Foremholl's Interior[]

Hull and Holl[]


Hull's orbit is blue, Holl's orbit is green

Around Foremholl is a star orbited by a planet, Holl, with life. Hull orbits Foremholl at 3 AU and Holl orbits Hull at 2 AU. How this is possible remains unexplained, but it seems that Hull is affected by the wormhole, yet Holl is unaffected allowing it to orbit Hull without being pulled away from orbit.


While the anomaly is surrounded by an exclusion zone, that doesn't stop tourists from parking in nearby interstellar space and watching the star change colours as Hull passes behind Foremholl. Hull is normally white, but reported colours includes purple, green, orange and blue. There is a space station within a light year that contains a black hole sealed inside a hold, and it uses this black hole to make time run thousands of times faster than normal. This "Temporal Drive" allows the observers to witness Hull's blinking lights rapidly, further making nearby space a popular tourism spot. People without access to interstellar travel can still use a telescope to find Foremholl. It has a RA/Dec of 18 0.01 1.05 and -24.55 0.05 0.07 respectively, and a distance of 26,502 light years.
