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Nalachi is the only planet in the Valme System, one of the three capitals of the Pecay-Po Federation of Nalachi, and a very important world to the United Nations of Florathel. Nalachi is among the oldest continuously inhabited worlds in the entire Cosmoria, as it has been almost completely unaffected by war throughout most of its long history after the unification of the cluster under the PPFN.

Despite its importance to the nation, it is not particularly well populated, as the majority of its surface is virtually uninhabitable due to the vagaries of planetary orbit and rotation. Thus, it is among the least populated capital worlds in the universe.


The relatively low mass (1.8 M🜨) of Nalachi means that it is a rocky world with a solid surface. Its radius is roughly 1.1 R🜨 (over 7,000 kilometers), due to a standard silicate-iron composition. Thus, Nalachi is slightly denser than average terrestrial planets, so its gravitational pull is ~1.12 G.

Nalachi has an average temperature roughly 7 degrees above the melting point of water, but its actual temperature wildly varies depending where you are on the planet. The anti-subsolar point becomes so cold that ammonia can become liquid, and the subsolar point becomes so hot that water boils. Nalachi also has average metallicity.

Host Star[]

Nalachi orbits the small M-dwarf Valme. The star has 0.17 M☉ and 0.2 R☉, a surface temperature of 3192 K, a luminosity of 0.00362 L☉, and was among the first stars to be formed in the universe at almost 5.5 billion years old.

Orbit & Rotation[]

Nalachi is a very closely orbiting planet, with a year of less than ten days. Its average distance from Valme is roughly 7.42 million km, and its orbit is highly elliptical for a habitable planet. Nalachi is tidally locked to Valme, meaning that the star never moves across the sky aside from some slight libration.


Nalachi's atmosphere is thoroughly uninteresting at first glance, at 1/3 of a standard atmospheric pressure and ~60% oxygen. Nalachi has very little ocean coverage, and consequentially has very little water vapor in its atmosphere, although the PPFN is working on fixing the aridity caused by this. At the outermost point in its orbit, some of the atmosphere actively freezes out onto the night-side of the planet, causing impressive pressure decreases. It's frankly a wonder the Elkeres ever evolved here in the first place! As Nalachi formed as one of the first planets in the universe, decay of Potassium-40 isotopes in the planet's crust have increased the level of inert Argon in the planet's atmosphere higher than amounts one would normally find on a habitable world.


Due to Nalachi's hostility, the surface has a comparatively low population, most of which is housed in heavily shielded arcologies near the terminator. Space elevators allow transport of various things from the surface to the huge number of artificial orbital rings, which are so thickly arranged around the planet as to allow a significant heat reduction at the subsolar point.

The aforementioned orbital rings which surround the planet are where much of the population lives. Positioned above the atmosphere, they are perfect for launching craft to the Valme-Nalachi L1 point where their spike drives can be activated. Also due to the high population fraction of the structures, they are generally the first image in anyone's mind when Nalachi is mentioned.

In terms of defense, Nalachi is notably undefended from outside attack, as the Pecay-Po Federation has never suffered a major defeat since the unification of the two species. One structure is notable, however. Built into the orbital rings are possibly the most elaborate and advanced Quantum Shift Drive system ever built, designed to allow translocation of the entire planet's sphere of influence to an empty existential plane. Thankfully, it has never been used, as some theorists say that the passage of such a large object through to the other plane would be highly lethal to the inhabitants.

Population Strata[]

Unknown Unknown Unknown
All Others
Native Planet
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