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The Shevins (Singular: Shevin) are a species of sapient bipedal humanoids, which reside in the Ejeunor. Shevins include various subspecies, as well as numerous cultures which vary from area to area. All Shevins hold a distinct body type, similar to that of an insectoid or lizard, with a hard chitin exoskeleton and swollen black eyes. Shevins are hunched on an endoskeletal system, which extends through their rather lanky bodies. --

They possess four arms and two legs which are arguably similar to those of a mantis in terms of shape. Their hands have five digits, four fingers and one thumb like those of a human but slightly longer.

Shevins have light creamy blue skin and dark purplish almond shaped eyes. Their ears are pointy and have a long tendril on each of their ears that sense temperature, allowing Shevins to determine what types of weather could occur. This was especially useful during their tribal period.


Shevins evolved around 4 to 5 million years ago, starting out as hunter gatherers, trying to survive whatever the world threw at them, such as predators and storms etc. Overtime, they began to migrate across Eydafrei, becoming the planet's dominant species.

Over thousands of years, they gradually became more intelligent, forming civilisation and culture, building structures across the land. Several societies and cultures arose during this time. They are listed below in the cultures section.



Originating from the historical city of Ostan, this polytheistic religion was similar to ancient Greece or Rome, having worshipped a pantheon of 10 major gods. Ostanti was once the most widespread belief on Eydafrei at one point, nearly encompassing the entire planet, subsuming other cultures into it's own. After a few hundred years, The Ostanti Empire fell when countless rebellions were held against captives from other cultures. The Ostanti religion soon faded and became obsolete although countless temples, shrines and statues were left behind. The 10 gods they worshipped were:

Aya: The luminous, multi-armed deity of creation and most powerful. Eydafrei's sun was worshipped as Aya during ancient times because of how bright it was. The Shevins regarded Aya as being hermaphroditic (being of both genders) and having four different faces. Because of this, the name 'Aya' stuck for Eydafrei's sun.

Sojos: The messenger of the gods and least powerful. Sojos was described as resembling a Shevin because of his job as a messenger. The Aya system's first planet was named after him.

Balaris: The god of fire. Balaris was said to be made entirely out of fire so ancient Shevins would light up fires to worship/communicate with him. Balaris would soon become the name for the Aya system's second planet.

Deiona: The goddess of fertility. Shevins had shrines dedicated to worshipping her, (some of which still exist today) and was regarded as being the main source of life in the world. Aya's third planet was named after her due to having life on its surface.

Gamouri: The personification of love in Ostanti mythology. Unlike the other gods, Gamouri was genderless as the Shevins thought that love has no gender. It was this reason that Gamouri didn't have a physical appearance, instead being seen as a non-corporeal force that causes love. Aya's fifth planet was named after Gamouri.

Mirus: Ancient god of the weather in mythology. Shevins would commonly pray to Mirus for good weather, having tower-like shrines dedicated to him. Mirus was said to made from clouds, even having a face in some depictions. The sixth planet would be named after him.

Alvara: The goddess of magic. Ancient Shevins would sometimes perform strange rituals to try and evoke Alvara's magic but to no avail.

Inos: The goddess of knowledge and intellect. Shevins would often worship Inos to gain her knowledge and become smarter. The 8th planet of Aya was named after her.

Xisym: The goddess of ice and Balaris' opposite. Shevins believe her to be the cause of snow and that she would battle Mirus for control of the weather.

Damastus: The god of destruction. Accoring to ancient Ostanti religous texts, after having a major disagreement with his brothers and sisters, Damastus started to lurk on the outer edge of existence, waiting for the perfect time to overthrow Aya and destroy the world.


A small culture/religion that worships the god Ysewvuus (ya-sew-vus). The Yak'na culture had a more tribal lifestyle than others, having mainly lived deep within the forests and still exists to this day on the M'hura islands. They would pray to Ysewvuus by dancing in a circle of stones. Attempts to contact the Yak'na tribes have failed as they want to remain isolated from the ever-changing world beyond their borders. Because of this, the M'hura islands are to be left alone.


The Qetaro culture was quite a war driven one. Having worshipped Vosudi, their god of war, they would commonly participate in many violent activities such as individuals battling each other to the death in colosseum-esqe structures or invading smaller settlements. They believed that praying to Vosudi would give them strength and that violence was the only true way to survive. Thankfully this culture is no more as it faded into obscurity some millennia ago.


A warrior people who settled the stunning Valnuri Penisula. Despite being warrior-like, their society mainly focused on agriculture as they worshipped a God of harvest known as V'sios.

Modern culture on Eydafrei is currently unified, and is one that endorses creativity, entertainment and technological progress of their kind.

The Shevins currently have their own interstellar government known as the Shev'ra , which roughly translates to "Shevin Council" or Shevin leaders in their language. The Shev'ra maintains all the Shevin colonies, aside from a select few that are independent, and controls 27% of the Ejeunor.


While not as advanced as ohers, the Shevins have still colonised a large part of space and have constructed dyson swarms around some of the stars in their territory. Their cities are famed for having some of the most interesting architectural design, featuring tall golden skyscrapers, buildings with fractal shapes on them and huge domes underwater. The cities on their colonies are similar as well. Shevins have even colonized some planets in the Via Lacrimosa. They are currently a thriving mid type 2 civilization.


The Shevins were discovered in 5,483 by Erstes Konsortium after a dyson swarm was discovered surrounding a small star. Ever since then, they have been allied with the Confederacy of Borealis and the Commonwealth of Aggregate Aylathiya. There is currently a joint collaboration between all three nations building a dyson sphere around a lone star, just outside of the Ejeunor.
