Amaranth Legacy Wiki


The Eye

The Eye, is an artificial intelligence of The Republic of Sion, known for being the main security force of the nation. Although the supreme leaders are cyborg-humans, the Eye is in charge of the drones and the surveillance of the rule of law in the nation. It is highly regarded and has no conscious of itself as a being, to prevent itself from taking over the nation. It is under control of a council of security who programs the Eye for more or less control.

The Eye is in charge of security issues among the Populace, devastation or war problems, taking charge of the well being of its citizens at all costs.

This IA is divided in a Head Mind located in Sion and several minor minds, copies from the Shael Hive organization. On the other hand, there is also an important size of drones, that patrol the streets and police workers, or Prosecutors as they are known, that look after a criminal or go in for protecting. This are arm drones that are deployed by the eye to solve problems in the streets, war, eco-disasters etc..
