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Via Lacrimosa, alternatively called Effulgence or The River of Heaven, is a grand-design spiral galaxy possessing an active galactic nucleus with a diameter of about 120,000 light years. It is one of the larger galaxies in the universe as well as the main galaxy in the Lacrimosan Sub-group. The nearest galaxy to Via Lacrimosa is the Ejeunor Galaxy, a small dwarf satellite. Stars are considered to be a part of Via Lacrimosa so long as they are located within 60,000 lightyears of Nocturne, Via Lacrimosa's central black hole.

Politically, Via Lacrimosa is divided into over fifty nations which qualify as "interstellar." The largest of which is the Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony controlling 38.5 billion stars. The most populous nation within the galaxy is Sagittarium and the largest in terms of area alone is the Un'oit Collective. In terms of intergalactic standing, Via Lacrimosa is virtually unmatched as the origin point for some of the most powerful civilizations in the universe. For a large number of civilizations outside of the galaxy, one could easily trace their origins, at least somewhat, to Via Lacrimosa. Major extra-galactic civilizations such as The Lewis Nations and the Thulcandran Federation trace their origin directly to Via Lacrimosa.

A large number of events contributed to the modern astropolitcal setting of Via Lacrimosa, most notably the War of the Final Transition, the formation of the Confederacy of Borealis, and the Great Empyreal Crusade. From these events came the modern Via Lacrimosa galaxy, a galaxy dominated by two forms of government, democracy and aristocracy. Since the Commonwealth's Eclipse, Via Lacrimosan states had been a major influence on intergalactic affairs. As of late, especially since the War of the Ancients, the galaxy had lost much of its old prestige to others such as Aylothn, Via Lacrimosa Galaxy, and the Lewis Galaxy.


The name "Via Lacrimosa" comes from a the Yohjan name for the galaxy "Via Lacrimosa." "Via" was a prefix used to describe any galaxy; it roughly translates to "way" or "road" referencing the appearance of a galactic arm in the night sky. Lacrimosa means "weeping," likely a reference to the various wars fought throughout the history of the Yohjan civilization. The original Yohjan name was likely "Via Galaktea;" however, most data about the earliest Yohjan languages has been lost.

In other languages, such as Ravis, the galaxy is called "Effulgence," meaning "radiant splendor or brilliance." Via Lacrimosa dominated the night sky of the Ravis with a brightness rivalling that of even their largest moons. As such, they named the galaxy a word in their language which translates to Effulgence.

The last common name for the galaxy is "River of Heaven" originating from the Tenshin word for the galaxy. Its name is also a reference to how the galaxy looked from the night sky of the Tenshin home-world.



The earliest evidence of civilization dates back to about 1.1 billion BCE in a region near to the Yggdrasil Nebula. This region was likely home to a fairly late Kardashev II civilization controlling a large portion of the galaxy. Most of the information about it comes from advanced meta-materials embedded in the soil of the worlds near to Yggdrasil that would only be available to such a civilization. The civilization is simply known as the "Trans-Yggdrasil Civilization," given the lack of information available.

Older civilizations are theorized to have existed as well; however, they are much more speculative. The earliest known is a civilization that controlled the planet D'Naevium and the other worlds in its system. Existing 4.5 billion years ago, the only evidence of thisi civilization is the self-replicating nanomachines it left behind on its homeworld. These nanomachines are essentially lifeforms given their ability to evolve and the ecosystem they formed. The only other evidence of civilizations are stars or planets containing isotopes that could not form naturally. They range in age from five-hundred million to three billion years ago.

The first sapient life-forms to emerge in Via Lacrimosa is Mahou. This being is a naturally-occurring hivemind native to the planet Callithyia. Upon taking control of every form of life on its homeworld, it began to research technology to augment itself. First fire and, later, it was able to industrialize and able to greatly increase its control over the planet. Around the same time, the Un'oit evolved on what is likely Torlak. The species, with no external competition, had no incentive to unite. For the next 800,000 years they would remain in thousands of small kingdoms. They had no incentive to even expand as sudden expansion caused dozens of wars in their history.

The Svartálfar were the first galactic-scale civilization of which much is known. It colonized large parts of space and, by 540,000 BCE, they were quite the powerful nation. The Svartálfar civilization largely collapsed due to a combination of an attack by The Ekrosian Guardians, internal division, and what was likely interference by The Administrator. By 300,000 BCE, only a small minority, called the Myrkálfar, remained. They would later diverege enough to be considered a new species called the Vlanoans.

Ancient History[]

The Triumvirate Civilization was the next civilization to emerge in 99,871 BCE. It was headed by three leaders, The Administrator, Legio, and Molonov. Originally forming in the Ventemir Galaxy, it quickly expanded into Via Lacrimosa's other satellites and, eventually, Via Lacrimosa iteself. It contacted and uplifted most of the sapient species in the galaxy, giving them self-rule in exchange for resources. The Triumvirate was essentially alone in this early period; Mahou and the Un'oit were only minor civilizations at this time.

Sedrua, a nation not of Via Lacrimosa but of another region named the Suvaren Field, is another civilization which came to possess territory in Via Lacrimosa. By about 80,000 BCE, Sedrua came to control a fairly large portion of Via Lacrimosa centered on the planet Hathia. The vast majority of it was an uncontrollable wilderness. Sedrua did not contact these species. Most species in the galaxy were similarly deemed not worth the trouble of communication. Even primitive species were merely left alone and only observed from a distance. Thus the status quo remained for tens of thousands of years. With time, Sedruan leadership became complacent. With every nearby galaxy under their control, they began to stagnate, its leaders more concerned with matters in their home galaxy than in their vast networks of colonies.

After its peak, Sedrua slowly began shedding territory in the galaxy. Its holdings around Hathia grew increasingly difficult to maintain as there was no Hyperlane infrastructure to allow for easy and cheap travel. Over the next few thousand years, Sedrua continued losing influence as the Triumvirate Civilization rapidly expanded. This nation soon grew to be a competitor to Sedrua, causing tensions to rise between the two nations. Sedrua eventually confronted the Triumvirate Civilization in 61,814 BCE in what is known as the Sedrua-Triumvirate War.

What followed was an era in which the Triumvirate was the sole great power in Via Lacrimosa. They integrated every species into their empire, even including various primitive races that barely had the concept of extraterrestrial life. In this age, the three most powerful individuals in the known universe were the three rulers of the Triumvirate, Legio, The Administrator, and Molonov, not in terms of individual power but in terms of influence.

Triumvirate Reform[]

Their unquestioned and absolute rule ended in 15,089 BCE the Triumvirate agreed to federalize. They allowed their subjugated species to form self-governing nations in exchange for paying regular tributes to the Triumvirate. The Yohjan Confederacy, Florenta, Dotskgard and the Lowuks Entente were the largest of such states formed the from once-subjugated races.

Another civilization, named Regnum Aureiga, in which the Humeiga lived, was saved by Triumvirate and made into an associate state. It was able to begin space exploration and meet the Humans and the Triumvirate in 15,362 BCE by crossing their wormhole. The encounter with humans will have an impact since the coincidence is that the two species are similar, and that therefore, an alliance between them will be made and will also help them for the foundation of Yohjan Confederacy.

From there, the galaxy entered a new, more crowded, era. With the total number of significant nations rising from only a handful to six, the astropolitical dynamic shifted greatly. These emerging powers soon entered a period of competition. Without such strict oversight from the Triumvirate, the soon began competing with each other for resources as well as valuable systems. While most certainly sister-nations all coming from the same place, their systems of government, general xenophobia, and unwillingness to cooperate causes tension to soon grip the galaxy.

By the 7,000's, almost all of the major states in the galaxy became what is known as a Great Power, a nation capable of influence on the galactic scale. By this point, however, several of the states began to shed their xenophobic tendencies to create alliances against what they believed to be greater threats. The nation most deemed to be a threat was the Yohjan Confederacy. Its imperialist practices, rampant xenophobia, and powerful military made it a threat far surpassing virtually anything else in the galaxy. The origin of what is known as the Local Axis is also around this time. It was an alliance between The Florenta and The Lowuks Entente that later went on to include Dotskgard as well.

Tensions began rising between the two major organizations, the Local Axis and The Yohjan Confederacy. Both of which were striving to become the sole master of the galaxy. They competed with each other not only for resources, but also for federal funds and attention. Around the 5,000s BCE, the Triumvirate began a program that invested more into the most productive states while leaving less productive states behind. This resulted in these nations beginning to become more and more expansionist with time. Letting the enemy gain the upper hand was unthinkable.

War of the Final Transition[]

Main Article: War of the Final Transition

The War of the Final Transition was the culmination of several millennia of tension between the Yohjan Confederacy and virtually all of its sister-nations. It started with an attack on Florenta by the Yohjan Confederacy amidst disputes over a valuable neutron star system. Normally, such disputes would not erupt into a full-scale war; however, tensions were so great that almost anything could have caused the conflict. The moment the attack happened, the YoC claimed it was "self-defense" and began mobilizing its forces immediately.

The war quickly escalated to involve most nations in and around the galaxy. Even so, the majority of the fighting took place between Florenta and Yohjan Confederacy. The Triumvirate federal government, always slow to involve itself in the many skirmishes its states partook in, took several centuries to recognize the conflict as a civil war. In 763 BCE, the Triumvirate government launched an attack on every one of its states involved in the conflict. The war was greatly taxing for all sides. The pressure was too much for the unpopular Yohjan government to handle, causing it to collapse in 0 CE. The Triumvirate itself fell to infighting as one of its three leaders refused to engage in the war. The Triumvirate fell in 210 CE. Its leaders fled to Martial Space, a region within Via Lacrimosa untouched by the war.

Post-War Period[]

The Post-War Period is defined by the general anarchy experienced by most inhabitants at the time. The anarchy brought about by the Split of the Yohjan Confederacy is usually considered to be the origin point of most human monarchies, as almost all of them can trace their bloodlines to the first nobles to emerge during this time. The State of Tenshi and Erstes Konsortium formed during this period. Various organizations such as the Neo-Terrans and Omnite also formed in this time. The vast majority of nations forming lasted for less than a century before collapsing into themselves, as such, the average nation was small, often occupying a single star system.

Both Florenta and the Entente did all they could to enforce order from the occupied portions of the Confederacy. Their efforts went somewhat well until the effects of the war finally caught up to the Entente, causing it to collapse in 1,009 CE. Alone as the galaxy's sole great power, Florenta very quickly became the center of commerce. Smaller nations began fighting over trade routes to Florenta, all while it spread the state religion, Fuukanism, to further its influence.

The Un'oit Ascension[]

Main Article: Un'oit Ascension

Florentan dominance lasted for just under ten millennia. Starting in about 10,000 CE, the Un'oit Collective began rapidly expanding. After perfecting its restoration of billions of Triumvirate artifacts, the Collective began an invasion into various places in the galaxy, particularly human, Rorran, and Molkor space. Motivated by revenge after the War of the Final Transition, the Un'oit destroyed hundreds of worlds and subjugated thousands. For a time, even Erstes Konsortium was conquered.

The conquest would only increase human influence across the galaxy, however. Fledgling nations in the core saw a huge population boost as human refugees entered. By the time the Un'oit's conquest made it to the core, core nations were well-prepared. The Vaplein Republic, being the largest of the core nations, beared the brunt of the defensive costs. Ten thousand years after the War, a new normal emerged. Human civilization formed into a feudal one. Ancient core worlds (colonized since before the collapse of the Yohjan Confederacy) acted as the center of kingdoms, while uncolonized lands became home to warlords. The Un'oit eventually stalled halfway into human territory as they met heavy resistance from more well-established worlds.

The most important effect of the Un'oit Ascension was not its reinforcement of monarchy as the dominant power structure in Via Lacrimosa, but its bolstering of the Neo-Terran movement. Reactionaries, dismayed at the fall of most of humanity to the Un'oit, joined the Neo-Terrans in large number, rallying behind their leader, Hal Drusus II. Hal Drusus II was a powerful user of Thaumaturgy, a being known as a Magi. He had gathered most of the human magi in the galaxy and had been using them to commit acts of terror within the Collective. Once reaching enough members, however, Drusus changed focused to Florenta.

The end of the Un'oit Ascension era was the reemergence of the Florenta as the great power in the galaxy. Hal Drusus II, his army of Magi, and one of the most advanced fleets in the galaxy had the goal of killing the Prophet-King of Florenta, Molonov. Drusus would end up killing the prophet, plunging Florenta into chaos. Several centuries later, in 14,007 CE, it reemerged as Empyros, a fascist theocracy. In 16,012 CE, Empyros destroyed most of the Neo-Terrans, causing them to flee into uninhabited space. What followed was a period of rapid expansion by Empyros, ending the Un'oit Ascension era.

The Great Empyreal Crusade[]

Main Article: The Great Empyreal Crusade

By 18,991 CE, Empyros was a thoroughly different nation from its past. Molonov only believed in peaceful expansion, while this new nation expanded by any means necessary. They also interpreted Molonov's writings far differently from the modern interpretation. They began to believe that the end of the universe was imminent, forcing them to destroy as many nonbelievers as possible to make way for the "New Universe." Having seized most of the Yohjan Confederacy's military assets, Empyros was the premier military power of the galaxy.

This dangerous belief combined with the military power of one of the greatest empires in history allowed for what is know called the Great Empyreal Crusade. Starting in 18,991 CE, Empyros' expansion quickly overtook neighboring nations. They were not interested in mere conquest, but genocide. Those they did not kill were brainwashed to be used as soldiers on the front lines.

The first half of the Crusade saw nation after nation fall to the far more organized Empyreal armies overwhelmed most nations. Their old enemy, the Neo-Terrans, had mounted a somewhat effective counter-attack in Martial Space, their new home-region. Besides this and the meek support from the Commonwealth of United Economic Nations in the Aylothn galaxy, there was hardly any effective resistance until 20,000 CE. That year, most of the human nations in and around the galaxy began creating an alliance, simply called "The Allies against Empyros." They formed robust diplomatic systems to counter the Florentan threat.

Next year, the Un'oit nations and the Atlin nations, all of which were also attacked by Empyros, joined the alliance. While at first, the species were hesitant to work with each other, mounting Empyreal victories quickly changed their minds. Empyros continued to exert its influence across the galaxy, causing the Anarian Fever Crisis as well as the formation of the Neo-Terran Co-prosperity Sphere. With virtually every nation in the galaxy and its satellites fighting Empyros, it soon became a losing battle. After some time, even the Commonwealth of United Economic Nations supplied aid to the Allies to make it impossible for Empyros to ever pose a threat to Aylothn and its nations.

The Vaplein Republic and State of Tenshi contributed a great deal to the eventual defeat of Empyros. Leaders from these nations were important figures in determining the future of the fallen Empyros. Empyros was stripped of its colonies in Via Lacrimosa, split into two largely self-governing departments, and forced to limit its military. For the next two centuries, radical Fuukanists continued attacking military personnel in Florescence, eventually resulting in the mass execution of the priest class in Empyros and the utter destruction of Fuukanist culture, monuments, and scholarship. Within the next millennium, the religion changed to its modern form, far closer to the original practice.

Post-war Period[]

The superior Empyreal craft dating back to the Yohjan Confederacy were game-changing editions to the galactic landscape. Only a handful of large empires were able to exist after the fall of the Yohjan Confederacy. The reason is that the energy-intensive processes of creating the ultra-strong material needed for quickly-maneuvering craft was lost. The much more fragile space craft of the pre-Crusade period were almost entirely unable to effectively besiege planets. The advanced, and much older, spacecraft were used sparingly, often in defense of the home world. This forced most nations to remain confined to their capital system and, maybe, some of its nearest neighbors. Empires such as Erstes Konsortium and Tenshi were by far the exception to the rule. Most of the galaxy had been ruled by single-system-states. When Empyros' records were looted by the Great Powers that put a stop to its Crusade, they gained knowledge of how to make these ancient ships.

At once, larger empires became not only possible, but desirable. When it became possible to effectively siege worlds, the system-states of the past became long gone, replaced with only a dozen large states within the next two millennia. To this day, large scale empires dominate the galaxy. Many historians consider the Great Empyreal Crusade to be the end of the Split of the Yohjan Confederacy period.

At the same time as this advanced technology came to most nations in the galaxy, the Neo-Terrans formed a new civilization in Martial Space. Given the lack of strong nations in the region, they were quickly able to take it over. Once the Vaplein Republic reformed into Sagittarium in 21,677 CE, the pro-Neo-Terran leaders backed their expansion in martial space, reasoning that having a strong ally in the reason would be helpful. In 23,333 CE, a join Sagittarian and Neo-Terran effort destroyed the last remnants of the Triumvirate federal government and had its supporters scattered.

Late in this period, the Erstes Konsortium, Vanaheimr, Ravi-Anthrovia, and other nations formed the Confederacy of Borealis. Forming in 30,108 CE, since then, the Confederacy of Borealis has been the center of democracy within Via Lacrimosa. It soon rose above its rival nations of Sagittarium and the, by then, fractured Neo-Terran states. By the 40,000s, the Confederacy becomes Via Lacrimosa's first modern superpower and remains as such to this day.

Human Ascension[]

The Human Ascension (also called the Second Pax Lacrimosa or Neo Pax Lacrimosa) is a period, roughly starting in the early 40,000s CE, in which humans rose to prominence in the galaxy. As the victors most benefited and least damaged by Empyros, their nations soon dominated the galaxy economically and, later, militarily. The two main human nations were the Confederacy of Borealis and Drusidia (despite neither of these nations being entirely human). As humanity began making its mark on Via Lacrimosa and beyond, it even managed to create settlements in the Aylothn Galaxy and, further, the Lewis Galaxy. While these extragalactic colonies were mostly independent, they solidified humanity as one of the most important species in the universe. Especially after Sagittarium joined the Confederacy, it had become the dominant force in Via Lacrimosa.

For ten thousand passed before a near civil war threatened to tear the Confederacy apart. The newly admitted Sagittarium threatened to leave the Confederacy after the CoB attempted to remove personhood from a group known as the Thalians, a sizeable minority in Sagittarium. The reason is that Thalians were an artificial species and the reputation of Beatrix caused them to be feared.

This brief moment of tension was just enough for another species, the Vexlores to begin seizing power. Due to their similar appearance and culture to humanity, humans and Vexlores have since become almost categorically the same species. Modifications are even able to allow for interbreeding given the similar biochemistry. The Vexlores arose in a nation called Rune-Err in martial space. Eventually, Rune-Err and Tenshi formed a martial alliance in which the Emperor of Rune-Err, Nicodemus IV, and the Archon of Tenshi, Meiko III, married. With the combined power of Rune-Err and Tenshi, the nation was easily able to defeat Drusidia and, having conquered it, they created a nation known as the Dominium of United Duchies.

Dominium Era[]

The Dominium Era is a relatively short Era in which the The Dominium was the dominant force in the galaxy. Lasting from 60,134 CE until the collapse of the Dominium in 73,150 CE, the Dominium Era represented a challenge to democracy as a governmental system. With control over large portions of Via Lacrimosa and the Ventemir Galaxy, the Dominium was unmatched. The Era is characterized by a dipolar political landscape with two superpowers simultaneously residing in the galaxy.

The Dominium was largely willing to commit to diplomacy especially with its fellow superpower the Confederacy of Borealis. While there was tension between the two powers at first, they soon entered a period of détente. Their economies became far more integrated as well during this time. The Dominium is well-known for its advances in Thaumaturgy especially in the scientific application of the practice. Out of the Dominium came advances unseen since the days of the Triumvirate Civilization. Had they repaired Holo's Ring, they likely would have been capable of producing beings similar to Sydiah's Architects or some other type of Aeternaborne. Having perfected the use of Magi as soldiers, the Dominium became the largest nation since the Triumvirate at the time.

At its height in 73,130 CE, the Dominium was projected to become the successor to the Triumvirate Civilization. The people of the Confederacy of Borealis, long expecting that they would be the successor, called for sanctions and an increase in military spending, but the politicians decided creating conflict would be a bad idea. Fortunately for the Confederacy, the Dominium's rapid ascension came to an end when its crowned prince, Prince Jeroboam, began to destroy valuable military assets across the Dominium and Confederacy. This would have usually not been a big deal, any normal crowned prince, even with the Blessing of Mars, would have so little experience as to render them easy to defeat. The Emperor of the Dominium, Nicodemus V, decided to personally kill the prince despite the price having the Blessing. When that failed, he ordered the military to kill him. Jeroboam possessed abilities beyond any previous emperor save for Mars himself, making him incredibly difficult to kill. Additionally, he seemed to have possessed knowledge well beyond the average person.

Jeroboam killed the emperor, the imperial consort and Archon of Tenshi, their children, imperial advisors, and almost everyone else with significant power. Afterwards, he simply fled into intergalactic space after evading strike forces from both the Confederacy and the Empire of Mankind. The Dominium was left reeling and, for his treachery, the Blessing of Mars left Jeroboam and selected a new emperor, a Human. Drusidia, the duchy of Humans, immediately declared independence. The person who inherited the Dominium crown, Gen IX, was eager to regain this territory but abruptly lost the will to fight in 73,150 CE. He dissolved the Dominium, plunging Martial Space into chaos for the next several thousand years.

The fall of the Dominium as a stabilizing force ended the Second Pax Lacrimosa. At once, the duchies that composed it were back to their usual fighting. The Confederacy attempted to reunite Martial Space in a series of wars called the Martial Campaign but these failed. Tenshi as a nation was severely weakened by the dissolution of the Dominium. They exiled Gen IX and created a clause in their constitution that the Archon does not have the power to dissolve the state without 4/5 of the nobility agreeing. There was a serious attempt by Ventemir to leave Tenshi, but this was quickly put down.

Expansion Era[]

Following the collapse of the Dominium came a period of expansion in the galaxy. Just about all of the Triumvirate's former developed territory had been claimed by 75,000 CE, meaning that expansion rate of the Via Lacrimosan nations slowed down greatly. Even so, this period is called the "Expansion Era" because it saw mass development far from the ancient core worlds for the first time in history. This expansion saw a general spreading out of the population in many nations. Rather than most people residing close to core worlds, many began spreading out. Population density fell greatly during this time.

An important development in this era was the culling of the interstellar forms of life common to Via Lacrimosa. In the developed parts of the galaxy, the space-based life was largely driven out or exterminated. In less developed regions, the various creatures, automated fleets, von Neumann probes, and hermits had free reign to do with the galaxy as they pleased. A common threat was the occasional uploaded mind that took over entire systems to do with as they pleased. Militaries across the galaxy had to contend with attacks from these often less than sane individuals as well as their fleets of automated ships. von Neumann probes, especially from the War of the Final Transition, were also still propagating throughout the galaxy. Various governments paid bounties on these craft to drive them out of regions targeted for colonization.

The most dangerous of any being in the wild areas was the artificial intelligence Beatrix dating back to the War of the Final Transition. This AI, created by the Yohjan Confederacy to help win the war, is often considered to be the single deadliest individual in Via Lacrimosan history. Its superintelligence, and thus unpredictability, made it a hard foe to defeat. The reason it was so dangerous was that it was built to defeat the enemies of the Yohjan Confederacy; however, the Yohjan Confederacy and its enemies are gone. Without anyone with the clearance to turn it off still alive, Beatrix is still convinced a war is going on. It has been destroying border worlds for millennia. When nations started expanding into undeveloped space, Beatrix's attacks grew in frequency. Eventually, a Confederate naval division was dispatched to disable the AI. Sensing the threat, Beatrix decided to relocate to what it believed to be an empty galaxy, Aylothn (it only had the very outdated maps of the 1st millennium BCE and, as far as it knew, Aylothn was mostly empty). The Confederacy, satisfied with their victory, then began to focus on interstellar forms of life such as The Pestilence and the Maledicta.

The United Federation of Star Systems, emboldened by its recent expansion, began to incorporate unclaimed regions of Aylothn into itself. This was mostly done not because the stars in Aylothn were superior, but because it would be a major strategic advantage. Years of failed lobbying in its former colony of the Thulcandran Federation have lead it to taking increasingly aggressive action in the region. It started with military bases and quickly escalated to military drills around the Federation. A war between the UFSS and the Thulcandrans would have meant a UF victory, the reconquest of the Thulcandrans, and the UFSS gaining a hugely strategic colony in Aylothn.

Near to the end of this period, there was increased tension with the Thulcandran Federation and the Quintet Payotari Association over territory and resources in the region.

War of the Ancients[]

Main Article: War of the Ancients

The War of the Ancients was a huge conflict in which the Confederacy of Borealis and the Quintet Payotari Association entered into open conflict. Starting when the UFSS claimed a valuable artifact belonging to the QPA, it quickly escalated into a full-scale conflict as the entirety of the QPA and Confederacy mobilized. While the war started in Aylothn, most of it was waged in Via Lacrimosa as the UFSS lost its hold on Aylothn.

The QPA released large numbers of Celestial Plague organisms into Aylothn with the goal of debilitating UF ships. The plague inadvertently entered Via Lacrimosa likely after being transported in a freighter carrying other valuable artifacts from the vault. The plague, once released, devastated many regions, especially those recently expanded into. After learning of the origin of the plague, Tenshi, the Un'oit Collective, and several of the Martial States declared war on the QPA. Years without any significant threat to Via Lacrimosa or any competition within it caused military technology to stagnate. While the QPA had advanced spacecraft, known as "Vaults,” as well as other advanced craft such as the PWV Reckoning, the Confederacy was fielding tech over ten millennia behind.

Large numbers of people died before the Confederacy and its allies, particularly Tenshi, were able to repair ancient Triumvirate craft. These craft, most notably the ERS Moon Signal and the TRS Last Waltz, served to greatly turn the tide of the conflict. Additionally, native forms of life in Via Lacrimosa were genetically modified to combat the Celestial Plague. While the original idea would be that this modified life would have been essentially free, it turns out that they overran dozens of border systems across the galaxy. The last major advancement Lacrimosan nations made was the implementation of Magi as soldiers. They proved to be invaluable in many civilizations involving the boarding or capture of craft and space stations.

The Commonwealth of United Economic Nations would also join in the conflict in 88,299 CE on the side of the Confederacy of Borealis. The reason for this is largely because of the large civilian death toll the war had, particularly in Via Lacrimosa, the QPA's reckless deployment of the Celestial Plague, and its homeland was relatively defenceless as most of its assets were in Via Lacrimosa.

The War ended in 88,805 CE as any further attacks on Via Lacrimosa by the QPA would prove too costly to be worth it, especially with the threat the Commonwealth posed. The death toll was great, far more so in the Confederacy than in the QPA. Only a small amount of damage was done on the QPA homeland and most of that was done by the Commonwealth. Unfortunately for the QPA, the thousands of worlds the Celestial Plague destroyed left billions (sometimes trillions) of disgruntled civilians. Dozens of organizations explicitly hostile to the QPA and its interests formed to lobby Confederate officials to never accept anything but an armistice. Additionally, Confederate military spending went up massively as it consolidated power from its states, especially the UFSS, for causing this conflict.


Immediately after the war, the United Federation of Star Systems was nearly dissolved. Its history of aggressively starting wars and its imperialist tendencies caused one of the deadliest wars in history. Instead, its military was federalized and its leaders permanently exiled. By popular vote, many other militaries were also federalized. The only member nations to keep their militaries were Sagittarium and the newly joining Un'oit Collective and State of Tenshi.

To deal with the economic downturn brought about by the war, the Confederacy opened up trade with the Martial States. Lacrimosan companies were encouraged to use cheap Martial labor as well. Immigration from the Martial States was so common that they began swaying elections to the point of reverting Sagittarium to its anthropocentric past. With just enough humans in power, a renewed sense of nationalism with the QPA as the scapegoat, and a Chancellor willing to "adopt a different system," Sagittarium reverted to its past form; a form defined by authoritarianism above all else. The rest of the Confederacy, also engaging in authoritarian behavior to quickly rebuild, largely ignored this shift.

Shortly after the War of the Ancients, the Tenshin Dispute began. The dispute was a rebellion by the Sakagami House against Tenshin leadership. The rebels, receiving support from Drusidia, were able to split away from Tenshi and form the Entente of Ventemir. The State of Tenshi began to use their vast stores of weaponizable artifacts as they desperately attempted to regain control of Ventemir. Artifacts such as the TRS Last Waltz and TRS Night Running were largely used in what was essentially state-sponsored terrorism. The conflict spilled over into Via Lacrimosa as the Sakagamis, with the support of not only Drusidia but also Amme, began attacking Tenshin possessions. Most historians cite this as the beginning of what is known as Jezebel's War. Ventemir was a valuable galaxy and, as much as the Confederacy wanted to have control over it, they could offer little support to Tenshi.

Jezebel's War[]

The accession of Jezebel II to the throne of Drusidia was a major turning point in Drusidian and Via Lacrimosan history. Her aggressive imperialism, unlike her forebears, was not targeted at her home the Via Lacrimosa Galaxy. Fueled by one of the most intense manifestations of The Blessing of Mars to date, she began sending more and more soldiers into Confederate space under the guise of "reconstruction effort." Most of them were stationed in Ventemir, but many also resided in Sagittarium in numerous military bases near to major worlds.

In 89,012 CE, the State of Tenshi used the TRS Last Waltz to destroy a Drusidian base in Ventemir. A nobleman happened to be residing in the base. Whether this was planned or not is unknown; regardless, Jezebel demanded the Confederacy to place strict sanctions on Tenshi. Very dependent on Drusidian imports, the Confederacy capitulated to these demands and sanctioned Tenshi. In response, Tenshi created an alliance with the Fusion of Crowns and Omnite, two organizations radically opposed to Drusidia. Tenshi supported the groups, both militarily and financially in a plot to force Drusidia to back down.

Rather than stop Drusidia only escalated the conflict by funding groups of their own to disrupt Tenshi. Not only did they fully support the newly established Entente of Ventemir, but also pro-democracy organizations within Tenshi. This soon devolved into a full-scale and thinly-veiled proxy war involving vast numbers of soldiers, resources, and ships. Eventually, Sagittarium began supporting Drusidia with troops of their own. Meanwhile, Rune-Err began supporting Tenshi for the sake of undermining their long-time enemy Drusidia. More and more nations began joining, often in contrary ways to various treaties signed. Even within the Confederacy, some nations ended up at odds with one another.

By 89,013 CE, Drusidian and Tenshin units were actively fighting in a full-scale, yet undeclared, war. Tension gripped the galaxy as it seemed the Confederacy would collapse. Sagittarium threatened to leave the Confederacy as more and more nations took sides in the ever-expanding conflict. After several decades of fighting and dozens of close-calls involving various nations, Jezebel II ended up dying at the hands of the Amaranth Knight. Drusidia fell into a civil war and once the main instigator of the war was out of the picture, the conflict died down. Despite being relatively short, Jezebel's War proved to have a lasting effect on Confederate policy; it began federalizing even more to keep its states in line. Tenshi was very nearly kicked out and would have been were it not for its large investments into repairing Confederate infrastructure.

Premodern History[]

After the dust had settled from these two conflicts, the galaxy was, in large part, peaceful. During the early 90,000s, Martial Space was largely in a state of chaos as it had been for most of its history. As for the Confederacy and other nations in the galaxy, things were fairly peaceful. Though, this was not due to any sort of disarmament. The Confederacy, having just been humiliated in the largest war in its history and almost fighting another one immediately after that, increased military spending over twenty-fold. Entire tracts of space destroyed by the Celestial Plague became repurposed to produce and research better military technology. In addition, archeology budgets have similarly increased in order to uncover more, potentially useful, objects.

Contemporary History[]

With the recent creation of the Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony and the recent repairing of Holo's Ring, the galaxy returned to its dipolar state between democracy and aristocracy. Whether the Entente of Ventemir fully joins the NTIH or chooses to fully join the Confederacy will largely determine which nation will come out on top in the near future. It is unlikely that either the NTIH or the Confederacy will entirely dominate or destroy the other. Of course, the two superpowers are not the only nations to be striving towards gaining power. In a similar vein, the Democratic Combine CEMYAK and Kal Federation have been increasing in influence while aristocratic nations such as the Alkan Intendancy and Fusion of Crowns have also began increasing their military budgets. While not highly involved in the recent scramble for power, these other nations are clearly setting the stage for two alliances with two wildly different goals.

The recent reintegration of the Verpletter region has also been a point of contention. Even extragalactic powers have their eye on the resource-rich and unstable region. While officially under Confederate jurisdiction, the NTIH and other galactic powers have consistently been aiming to increase their own influence in the area. Some analysts have already begun to call Verpletter the "Powder Keg of Via Lacrimosa."

Right now, the nations are fairly amicable and close despite having been rapidly militarizing for the past several thousand years. Tenshi will leave the Confederacy in 100,100 CE, the same year the Confederacy plans on fully federalizing. Very soon, the Confederacy of Borealis will unify fully into the Federation of Borealis (in some dialects, the Boreal Federacy). At the same time, numerous treaties will go into effect


Main Article: Ecology of Via Lacrimosa

The ecology of Via Lacrimosa is diverse and highly influenced by both the natural and artificial species that populate the galaxy's wild areas. While many galaxies have life common across their wild areas, Via Lacrimosa is strange in having a robust space-based ecosystem. Approxiamately one half of the galaxy is considered "untamed," meaning areas where the "natural" ecosystm flourishes and colonization is difficult. Large portions of the galaxy will likely never be colonized due to higher densities of life making colonization very expensive.

Natural Flora and Fauna[]

Via Lacrimosa has a large number of natural flora and fauna known as the "Noirae." Noirae, singular Noirum, are a domain of life that presumably have a single common ancestor given their use of the same genetic material. Noirae are most commonly space-based organisms; however, numerous planets have become host to naturally forming ecosystems featuring Noirae through panspermia. In fact, the Dotsk species are Noirae descended from these space-faring organisms.

Common Noirum species include The Pestilence and Maledicta. Most other species are heavily localized to a particular system or region. Over one hundred star clusters in Via Lacrimosa are host to dense colonies of Noirae dating back billions of years. There exists a small subset of the Noirae that are capable of producing warp bubbles, often for faster-than-light travel. It is not well-understood how they are capable of producing these warp bubbles. Many scientists hypothesize that this subgroup, known as the Celiratids, have an artificial origin. The Pestilence is also the most common example of Celiratid.

Artificial Ecosystem[]

Artificia are a form of life common to Via Lacrimosa that rival the Noirae. Artificia are space-based forms of life descended from the ancient self-replicating probes of previous civilizations. Some Artificia have origins so far back in time that the civilization that created them is entirely unknown. Over one thousand of these craft are thought to have evolved into Artificia. There are also twelve models of extant self-replicating von Neumann probes that have not diverged enough to become Artificia. Via Lacrimosa's long history of civilization has resulted in the release of thousands of von Neumann probes.

Probes launched billions of years ago still persist to this day and even the most robust protections against "mutation" in von Neumann probes usually breaks down over billions of years. As such, the galaxy is filled with tens of billions of species each originating from one model of probe. Common classifications of Artificia are "Yggdrasil," "Sora," "Raqia," "Antero," "Avid," and "Celestio." Each classification relates to the model that "species" within the class evolved from. The most ancient of the Artificia are the Yggdrasil at over 3 billion years old. The newest is "Celestio," having only recently formed due to the unstable nature of some of the Celestial Plague.

Most modern von Neumann probes, unspecialized for competition, end up choked out by the Artificia. Over billions of years, their endless competition with each other had them evolve to be perfectly suited to space-based combat. Most modern Lacrimosan military spacecraft are based off of Artificia body plans for these reasons.

Anomalous Ecosystem[]

There are space-based life whose origins are neither "natural" nor "artificial" but a third category, "anomalous." Creatures within this category are by far the most diverse and also the most dangerous. Commonly, anomalies emerge through the manipulation of the environment by natural agents in unexplainable ways. Put differently, anomalies often emerge not through abiogenesis and do not diversify through Darwinian means, they simply exist as they are in their current forms. Natural forms of life may become anomalous through as of yet unknown means.

Examples of anomalous forms of space-based life include The Ekrosian Guardians, Celiritas lucium, and the precursors to the Naidaran species. They exhibit strange qualities that cannot be reproduced naturally or artificially within the realms of known science. The most common anomalies are the Ekrosian Guardians, a species who forms when cosmic dust spontaneously arranges itself into a form of life. Celiritas lucium and other species within the genus Celiritas exhibit the ability to open wormholes using a fraction of the usual energy requirement. The extinct precursors of the Naidaran species were incorporeal beings capable of faster-than-light travel that were akin to hunter-gatherers. They likely originated in the Palioxis Starfield before entering Via Lacrimosa.

Abiotic Ecosystem[]

Abiotic elements of the ecosystem, excluding von Neumann probes which are considered artificial life, are simply known as "Abiotics." Quintillions of self-repairing spacecraft sometimes millions of years old roam the galaxy. They usually remain in wild areas, often destroying each other or life-forms for the resources to self-repair. Most of them are military craft but many automated harvesters continue to gather resources to this day. Many nomads raid these crafts for resources to resell them to border worlds.

Many modern ships, whether manned or unmanned, also become unwitting participants in the ecosystem. Ships not built to be in combat, ships that cannot out-maneuver predatory lifeforms, or ships that accidently enter the territory of aggressive organisms will almost invariably end up destroyed. Most ships flying through unclaimed regions need military escorts to ensure safety. Even though the risk is well-known, billions of ships, usually from border worlds, end up destroyed every year.

Another common influence on the ecosystem are individuals known as "Nachleben." A Nachleben is an individual that has uploaded their consciousness into a machine, transcending biological limitations. This was a common practice in Via Lacrimosa for millions of years. The most recent civilizations do not condone this behavior due to the tremendous amount of death artificial intelligences caused throughout history. Even so, Nachleben are a common facet of life in the untamed regions of space. These beings often control entire star systems used solely to supply themselves with the resources to live in simulated utopias. Many of them choose to rule over billions of cloned regular lifeforms as what are essentially, some try to create empires, and some of them may seek out and destroy other Nachbelen. The reason they are considered abiotic, despite behaving as an artificial composite organism, is the sapient mind controlling them.

The average Nachleben controls trillions of advanced spacecraft and can control vast tracts of space. Their automated craft constantly war against lifeforms and other abiotic elements often without the knowledge of the uploaded mind. They usually last for several million years before having to relocate or face destruction from more powerful forms of life. Nachleben have a hefty bounty on them as they are inconvenient for governments across Via Lacrimosa. This offer, however, is rarely taken up given their isolated locations and spectacular defenses. They are often large nuisances during wars, most notably during the War of the Ancients.

Galactic Astrography[]

Via Lacrimosa Physical Map

The physical map of Via Lacrimosa


Anthrov Arm

The first of Via Lacrimosa's two major arms is the Anthrov Arm. It is home to many notable Human worlds such as Thalsiedeln, Valhalla, New Alexandria, Albedo, and Jörmungandr. It is not home exclusively to Humans, however. After the collapse of the Yohjan Confederacy in 0 CE, large amounts of its territory was colonized by The Ravis who took advantage of the leftover infrastructure to bolster their civilization. A subspecies of Human, the Cemyak can also be found in this arm centered on the planet Kylo. Most of the arm is located in the "galactic habitable zone," meaning that conditions are amiable to the formation of complex life. It has an average metallicity and is home to many young stars.

Svartálfar Arm

The second major arm of Via Lacrimosa is the Svartálfar Arm, named after an extinct species that bore the same name. Similar to the Anthrov Arm, it is largely within the galactic habitable zone and has many young stars. It can boast a higher number of native species than the Anthrov Arm. It is home to the Ror Units, Molkor, Humeiga, and the Vlanoans. Major worlds include D'Naevium, Hathia, Aureiga-Selos, and Onaud.

Minami & Chiai Sub-Arms

There exist two sub-arms as well, the Chiai Sub-Arm and the Minami Sub-Arm. The meaning of these names are unclear, however, they likely come from the ancient Atlin words for the regions "Khai" and "Mimae." These regions are distinct as existing outside of the arms but still having decent stellar density. They host relatively few civilizations; however, they are home to diverse and robust space-based ecosystems spanning throughout their entirity.  

Astrophysical Regions[]

The Core

The core is the most populous and most productive region of the galaxy. Out of all the regions, the core has the largest population and highest population density. It is controlled almost entirely by the nation of Sagittarium, with the uninhabited regions of the core serving as a sort of buffer zone between it and its neighbors. The core contains the central black hole known as Nocturne. Nocturne supplies the plurality of the energy in the core, with most of the rest generated by the massive stars common in the core. A small portion of the core is controlled by the Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony and the Fusion of Crowns. Major worlds include Thalia, Sekhmet, Jezreel, and Seycara.

Fortune's Ring

Surrounding the core is a region known as "Fortune's Ring." Fortune's Ring . Fortune's Ring has historically been dominated by Sagittarium; however, this domination has largely been transferred to many of the Martial States. Fortune's Ring hosts much of Martial Space, the political region defined by monarchical nations that have at one point been under the control of the nation of Drusidia. Major planets in this region include Callithyia and Ayanne.

To the galactic north of Martial Space and Sagittarium exists a region known as Verpletter. This region is not dominated by a single power or even group of powers, but dozens of small warring factions. Even the largest factions can be small compared to the "small" external nations. Verpletter has the largest density of sapient life forms in the galaxy with over 50% of the galaxy's sapient species residing in this one-billion-star region.

Memory's Ring Memory's Ring is a region of space much less dense than Fortune's Ring but still too dense to be part of any galactic arms. Despite being outside of the galactic habitable zone, it is home to a large number of sapient species. Sapient species include the Kshi from Parona, the Dotsk from Eithlinn, the Gainge from Demiurge, the Kristals of Kristadt, the Ekrosians of Ekros, the Vexlores of Err, and the Naidarans of Tzair. Most of these species reside in Martial Space.

The Expanses

In between the two arms exist two regions of relatively empty space called the "Leer" and "Resplendent" expanses. The names of the Leer expanse come from Erstes Konsortium's name of the region which means "empty." The Resplendent Expanse comes from The Ravis word for the region that, when translated, means "Resplendence." The regions have a far lower density than the arms, lending to a lower population. The Un'oit hail from the Leer Expanse, which was formerly known as "Un'oit Space."  

The Circuit of the Gods

The final region is known as the "Circuit of the Gods." This region is a circular region immediately outside of the galaxy with few stars. Its name also comes from a legend among the crews of military vessels in the region during the War of the Final Transition. Large numbers of reports of "god-like beings" residing in the region began surfacing, hence the name. Later scans and reports give no indication that such beings existed. To this day, a large number of inhabitants of the galaxy believe the region to be the home of the legendary beings. Instead of literal gods per se, there are beings in the region known as The Ekrosian Guardians that spontaneously form from gas and other materials within the region. While dangerous when provoked, they are mostly inert.

Political Regions[]

Martial Space

Martial Space is the region of space that was ruled by a nation known as the Neo-Terran Co-prosperity Sphere. This expansive nation established monarchies in much of the nations in this region. Most of the Martial States have become a part of the Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony; however, there still exist several that retain independence. Martial Space, despite having a large number of species, are mostly inhabited by species very similar in appearance to humans. It is called "Martial Space" due to the name of the first emperor of the Sphere, Hal Drusus II, who was commonly known as "Mars."


Verpletter (coming from the Erstes word meaning "broken"), is a region of space that is filled with many disparate states vying for influence in the region. While originally under the administration of Sagittarium, the region was always sparsely populated. After the War of the Ancients, large numbers of refugees flooded into the region, its population increasing to almost half a quintillion by 89,450 CE, when the region was sealed off in part by the propagation of deadly space-based lifeforms and a host of automated military craft seizing the region in between Sagittarium and Verpletter. Communication was cut off for millennia.

Recently, communication was restored as the Confederacy of Borealis began tying up loose ends. Once the craft and lifeforms were cleared out enough to allow for consistent travel in 99,500 CE, the region has since fallen into chaos. The Sagittarian administrative government fell within a year as the people, disgruntled from their treatment as refugees, began looking for new government models to solve their problems. An interesting caveat is that the environment of the Verpletter region leant itself to a high rate of anomalous activity and, thus, an increased rate of mutation through as of yet unknown means.

Nearby Galaxies[]

While the Ejeunor Galaxy is the closest galaxy to Via Lacrimosa, there exist other major galaxies near it. Ventemir is the next closest galaxy followed by Ouranir. These two galaxies are visible in the night skies of most planets in Via Lacrimosa due to their sheer size and proximity. The most remote satellite is Florescence. The nearest major galaxy is Aylothn, one also visible in the night sky of most worlds. Aylothn is over twice the size of Via Lacrimosa.

Political Map[]

Truthful Via Lacrimosa Map

Click image for more detail.

Notable Anomalous Phenomena & Objects[]

Throughout Via Lacrimosa, phenomena known as "anomalies" occur. An anomaly is something that cannot be explained through entirely natural means. Anomalies are often found to be artificial in origin and, if explained through naturalistic means, will lose their anomalous status. Artificial objects that still defy explanation are simply called artificial anomalies. Most scientists reject the idea that true anomalies exist; that is, a phenomenon that defies any and all naturalist explanation. Anomalies are usually considered to be as of yet unexplained phenomena. The study of anomalies is called "anomalistics" and all known anomalies are studied extensively using the scientific method.

Triumvirate Artifacts[]

Within Via Lacrimosa there exist trillions of probes that bear the insignia of the Triumvirate Civilization. These objects are considered anomalous because there is no historical record for them. While historians debate over whether the Triumvirate actually created these or not, the scientists attempt to uncover their properties. Roughly half of these objects are four-dimensional with tests using wormholes first confirming this in 3,470 CE. It is still unknown how four-dimensional objects could be created.

Other artifacts include weapons that, while confirmed to be of Triumvirate origin, also defy explanation. The most notable example of these craft are the ERS Moon Signal, the TRS Last Waltz, the TRS Night Running, and the VSS Readymade. All of these ships possess unique abilities well beyond even the normal capabilities of the Triumvirate itself. While the Readymade displays four-dimensionality like many of the smaller artifacts, the rest of these artifacts have no analogs in the common smaller probes.

Other artifacts include Demiurge and Holo's Ring, two remarkably large objects located within Martial Space. These objects have a special relationship with the Lux Aeterna, allowing them to draw and distribute energy from it.

The Ekrosian Guardians[]

Main Article: The Ekrosian Guardians

The Ekrosian Guardians are a collection of anomalous lifeforms, machines, or other objects that exist directly outside of Via Lacrimosa. An Ekrosian Guardian forms as dust around Via Lacrimosa spontaneously reorganizes itself into one. Many believe this phenomenon to be artificial in origin. They vary wildly in both size and intelligence. The smallest guardians are on the scale of microorganisms while the largest are on the level of planets or even larger. Each Guardian bears a thirteen-pointed star, has the same genetic material (if applicable), and has little to no memory of their creation (if applicable). Those few Guardians that are both sapient and at least partially remember their origin credit an entity named "Eve." Little is known about this entity or even if it exists.

The Mayuneh Crypts[]

Main Article: Mayuneh Crypts

The Mayuneh Crypts are a series of artifacts located throughout the galaxy Florescence responsible for the creation of the Llæns species. In the past, Llæns aged backwards, were entirely infertile, and had no memory of being born. Primitive Llanes believed that they were created by gods or, later, spontaneously generated. It was only after they industrialized that they discovered the Crypts. As technology advanced, they began to stop this aging process and used cloning to create a more manageable population. The Crypts still produce Llæns to this day through entirely unknown means.

Upon scanning, they appear empty. Additionally, they do not emit any radiation nor do they bear any distinguishing symbols or features that would clue into their origin. There have been numerous attempts to break into a Crypt; however, all energy directed into one transits the object, causing it to leave the other side. 100% of the energy transits through a Crypt, making it functionally invisible. Neutrinos, despite being notoriously hard to reflect, are reflected by Crypts. Their origins, age, composition, and purpose are unknown.

The Blessing of Mars[]

Main Article: The Blessing of Mars

The Blessing of Mars is an anomalous phenomenon responsible for the selection of the next emperor of the Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony. Any descendent of Hal Drusus II, also known as Mars, can be chosen. Upon selection, the chosen individual will gain fabulous power and become sufficient Magi, often surpassing every other Magi in the galaxy at the time. The effect usually manifests in Martial Space, the region where the Hegemony is located; however, it has increasingly manifested outside of the region. Both of the previous emperors were born in Sagittarium and the crowned princess who was just recently selected was born in the Entente of Ventemir.

If the selected is somehow unable to lead, the Blessing of Mars will manifest elsewhere, causing the death of the selected. At numerous points in history, the selected would become someone in the new ruling family of Martial Space, allowing for Mars to continue exerting influence over their territory. Numerous religions exist around the phenomenon and have themselves been the subject of dozens of wars.

Satellite Galaxies[]

Throughout all of history, Via Lacrimosa's satellites have been considered to be one and the same with their parent galaxy. Considering that the history of Via Lacrimosa is very much shared by its satellites and vice versa, most in Via Lacrimosa consider them to be in what is essentially the same galaxy. For those living outside of Via Lacrimosa in the satellites, this is disputed and perhaps even offensive.

Ouranir Galaxy[]


The Ouranir Galaxy is the largest satellite of Via Lacrimosa. At 11 billion stars, it dwarfs all galaxies in its vicinity besides, of course, its parent. Unlike the other satellites, Ouranir has never had significant influence in Via Lacrimosa, largely thanks to its undense nature and resulting lack of ancient civilization.

Ventemir Galaxy[]

Small Magellanic Cloud

The Ventemir Galaxy is the second largest satellites of Via Lacrimosa. Ventemir comprises a mere one billion stars which, while being only a four-hundredth the size of its parent galaxy, Ventemir is undoubtedly the most influential in its history. Early on in history, Ventemir was the seat of the galaxy-spanning Triumvirate Civilization. Later, it became the jewel of the crown of the Dominium of United Duchies. Finally, in the modern day, its decision to join either of galaxy's two great powers will determine the course of history for the foreseeable future.

It is home to several intelligent species and has a higher number of intelligent species per star than Via Lacrimosa. Major worlds include Gira Gira, Odo, Freesia, Lowa, Ayomi, Gohbrin, and Veritas.

Tloinin Galaxy[]


Florescence is a small Lenticular dwarf galaxy with 40 million stars. No longer visible to the naked eye, Florescence has been entirely colonized by Blumeheim. Only two species are native to the galaxy, the Ravis and Llæns species. The galaxy was originally very resource rich; however, Blumeheim has since exhausted these resources, requiring massive imports to continue existing. The Hyperlane leading to Florescence is one of the widest in the universe as well as one of the most heavily guarded. It is capable of transporting entire star's worth of material within a year to the resource-poor galaxy. As SICTIRIAD technology advances, it may not need to rely on hyperlanes anymore for supplying its populace with resources.

Major planets include Alphos and Yuusha. The Florescence galaxy is the origin point of the religion Fuukanism and is filled with massive and ornate temples mostly glorifying the goddess Fuukos (even though lesser deities are often worshipped as well). The galaxy is often considered holy in the eyes of Fuukanists.

Other Information[]

Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony
Scipio Humans, Vexlores, Gainge, Naidarans, Farlas - 3.06
Regnum Aureiga - Flag
Regnum Aureiga
Aureiga-Selos Humeiga - 3.03
Thalia Humans, Thalians CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 3.01
Entente of Ventemir
Ayomi Atlins, Humans, Orcubor CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis

NTIHNeo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony

Eithlinn Dotsk CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 3.00
Fusion of Crowns
Parona Kshi, Vexlores, Un'oit, Humans, Vlanoans - 2.98
United Federation of Star Systems
Thalsiedeln Humans, Ysau CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.91
Intendant II
Alkan Intendancy
D'Naevium Ror Units, Molkor, Vexlores, Humans, Atlins, Thalians - 2.91
Jörmungandr Humans CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.89
Alphos The Ravis, Llæns CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.87
Kal Federation
Aira Vlanoans - 2.81
Un'oit Collective
Torlak Un'oit CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.81
[None] Kristals - ~2.8
Ekros Ekrosians, Humans, Thalians CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.72
Democratic Combine of CEMYAK
Kylo Cemyak - 2.71
State of Tenshi
Yakusoku Humans CoB FlagConfederacy of Borealis 2.70
Commune flag
Commune Federation
Qarshiqar Humans, Elmaren, Asren-Asheir, - WIP
Kreigsleute flag
Krieg Humans - WIP
Deciarchy Flag updated
Deciarchy of the Overlord
Salvation Humans - WIP
Vanguard Republic
Vanguard Republic
Sovietsvastte Vexlores - WIP
Liberty Empire
Liberty Empire
[None] Humans - WIP
Terran Nationale Flag
Terran Nationale
Terra Humans - WIP
Royal Empire
Empire of the Royal Kingdom
Holy Attero Humans - WIP
Magocracy Flag
Cosmic Commonwealth of the Magocracy
Yosul-Mabeob Humans - 2.5
Xavier flag
Xavier Co-Operative Protectorate
Xavier's Belt Humans - 2.5
Nakazawa Imperium flag
Nakazawa Imperium
Xīngqiú Humans - 2.43
Sonoran Union Flag
Sonoran Union
Sonoran Humans, Kessenski - 2.35

GenericHuman Vexlore Unknown
Species Name
Native Planet
PlanetIcon Aegyn PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Err PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Eithlinn PlanetIcon
Humeiga ex Gainge Unknown
Species Name
Native Planet
PlanetIcon Aureiga PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Demiurge PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Hathia PlanetIcon
Unknown Unknown Cemyak ex
Species Name
Ror Units
Native Planet
PlanetIcon D'Naevium PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Torlak PlanetIcon
PlanetIcon Kylo PlanetIcon
Species Name
Native Planet
PlanetIcon [Unknown] PlanetIcon

Major Worlds
Name Image Population Location
15.2 Quintillion The Core
15 Quintillion TBA
500 Trillion Anthrov Arm
1 Quadrillion Core
145 Trillion TBA
TBA Anthrov Arm
TBA Anthrov Arm near Un'oit Space
TBA Core
1 3 0 Aureiga-Selos
New Alexandria
TBA Anthrov Arm

This timeline includes events in Via Lacrimosa and its satellites.

Before the Common Era 13.51 Billion BCE

Via Lacrimosa forms
Nocturne forms
12.49 Billion BCE
A collision between Via Lacrimosa and a large satellite causes it to become a spiral galaxy while also creating the galactic halo.
12.1 Billion BCE
Via Lacrimosa has gained all of its modern satellites by this point. The youngest one, Florescence, forms around this time.
4.9 Billion BCE
A hypothesizes civilization, known as the "Alkan First Civilization" forms. They are thought to have created the life on the planet D'Naevium
1.1 Billion BCE
The First Civilization rises and falls.
1,200,000 BCE
Mahou first emerges, it quickly takes over its home planet of Callithyia. It is the oldest still-living being in the galaxy.
~1 million BCE
The Un'oit evolve, likely on Torlak.
Modern Farlas are first created by Mahou.
970,120 BCE
Mahou begins expanding outside of its home system, becoming the first interstellar civilization in the galaxy.
900,112 BCE
Mahou collapses into civil war as it splits into numerous different consciousnesses. It loses much of its territorial gains.
~540,000 BCE
The Svartálfar first colonize large parts of the galaxy.
450,000 BCE
The Dotsk evolve on Eithlinn.
~311,000 BCE
An ethnic minority of the Svartálfar, called "The Myrkálfar," split off from the Svartálfan nation.
300,000 BCE
Humans evolve on Aegyn.
290,000 BCE
The Vexlores evolve on Err.
~210,000 BCE
The Myrkálfar evolve into the modern day Vlanoan species.
174,888 BCE
Mahou's civil war finally stops.
99,871 BCE
The Triumvirate Civilization is established in the Ventemir Galaxy by The Administrator, Legio, and Molonov.
82,848 BCE
The Triumvirate, using wormholes of its own creation, clandestinely gains control over the galaxy Florescence.
74,841 BCE
The traditional date of the formation of Fuukanism by the prophet Molonov.
61,814 BCE
The Sedrua-Triumvirate War begins.
59,700 BCE
Sedrua loses much of its influence to the Triumvirate after it loses the Sedrua-Triumvirate War.
44,129 BCE
The Triumvirate contacts and uplifts the Vexlores.
The Triumvirate creates a non-aggression pact with Mahou.
The Triumvirate begins construction of the Demiurge settlement and creates the Gainge species to populate it.
35,000 BCE
A handful of Naidarans manage to find refuge on a life-bearing world in the galaxy. They represent the last remaining members of their species.
~ 19,950 BCE
A wormhole created by Triumvirate link the Melyos System and Aegyn.
Humeiga is saved.
18,444 BCE
The Triumvirate finishes construction of the Demiurge settlement.
18,298 BCE
Foundation of Regnum Aureiga, by the Humeiga on Aureiga.
16,781 BCE
The Triumvirate unites the Ror Units for the first time in recorded history.
15,362 BCE
First contact by Humeiga with Humans and Triumvirate: A treaty is signed between there.
15,100 BCE
The Triumvirate begins construction on Holo's Ring.
15,089 BCE
Tensions between the Triumvirate and its subjects causes it to reform into a Federation.
The Yohjan Confederacy, Florenta, Interstellar Systems of Ysau, The Lowuks Entente, and Dotskgard form as autonomous states.
The Triumvirate federal government still controls most of the galaxy.
12,744 BCE
The Administrator seizes control of much of the Triumvirate federal territory, the other two leaders do not seem to care.
10,400 BCE
The Administrator finishes construction on Holo's Ring, causing the Vexlores to remain loyal to The Triumvirate.
7,000 BCE
Around this time, the Yohjan Confederacy becomes a great power, soon it is followed by Florenta and Lowuks Entente.
6,710 BCE
The Local Axis forms as an alliance between Florenta and Lowuks Entente against the Confederacy.
1,301 BCE
The Yohjan Confederacy begins an invasion of Un'oit-controlled space.
1,300 BCE
The Un'oit Collective forms in response to the invasion.
1,285 BCE
The War of the Final Transition when a Yohjan Fleet began firing on Florentan ships.
Regnum Aureiga is one of the few nations to join the war on the side of the Yohjan Confederacy.
1,237 BCE
The Yohjan advance stalls as the war becomes a period of total war for both sides.
763 BCE
The Triumvirate federal government finally intervenes in the war.
719 BCE
Claes Dynamics creates Beatrix to help the YoC win the war against the Triumvirate.
712 BCE
Interstellar Systems of Ysau falls to Triumvirate forces.
550 BCE
The war once again becomes a stalemate.
189 BCE
The Neo-Terran movement begins.

Common Era

0 CE
The Yohjan Confederacy falls in an event known as the Split of the Yohjan Confederacy.
Regnum Aureiga pulls out of the war with minimal penalty.
Molonov flees to Florenta where he ascends to the throne as "Prophet-king."
The Administrator goes into hiding.
Legio remains in Martial Space, controlling the last vestiges of Triumvirate federal territory.
Beatrix's Wake begins.
4 CE
The Erstes Konsortium is officially founded as a Kingdom with its capital on Thalsiedeln.
120 CE
Around this time, Omnite as a movement comes to be.
210 CE
The War of the Final Transition ends with the collapse of the Triumvirate federal government.
Florenta remains as the only Great Power standing in the galaxy, albeit badly damaged.
The Vexlores first form Rune-Err and seize large amounts of the Triumvirate's remaining territory, greatly shrinking it. The last remnants of the civilization go into hiding across the galaxy.
588 CE
Dotskgard enters a bloody civil war as nationalists attempt to take power from the technocratic government.
1,009 CE
The Lowuks Entente collapses in a similar fashion to the Yohjan Confederacy.
2,304 CE
Senku Takanashi I, Rui Sakagami, Erich Serebryakov, and Luka Claes IV establish the Tenshin Ministry by combining their various assets.
The Tenshin Ministry becomes an official nation called the State of Tenshi.
7,141 CE
Florenta reorganizes itself into a Confederation with equal representation for colonists in Via Lacrimosa.
9,007 CE
Rune-Err become a Great Power, capable of influence on the scale of the entire galaxy.
9,899 CE
The Un'oit Ascension begins.
10,812 CE
The Neo-Terrans create the Kshi.
11,711 CE
Vaplein Republic forms.
12,712 CE
The Erstes Konsortium begins a brief stint under the control of Un'oit Nobility after being conquered.
12,988 CE
The Erstes Konsortium rebels and reinstates the surviving members of the human nobility.
13,684 CE
The Neo-Terrans manage to kill the prophet Molonov, plunging Florenta into a period of internal strife.
14,007 CE
Florenta reforms into Empyros, a fascist theocracy.
14,571 CE
The descendants of the first Naidarans in the galaxy form an interstellar civilization called Naidaro.
15,102 CE
The State of Tenshi begins an invasion into the Ventemir Galaxy.
16,012 CE
Empyros routes the Neo-Terrans, causing them to flee human space.
16,987 CE
The Neo-Terrans form a Junta state under the rule of Hal Drusus II on the distant planet of Scipio.
17,809 CE
The Blessing of Mars forms upon the death of Hal Drusus II. Hal Drusus III becomes the next Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terrans.
18,991 CE
The Great Empyreal Crusade begins as Empyros invades all of Via Lacrimosa. They use large numbers of seized Yohjan and Triumvirate military assets which even by this point rivalled the technology of other nations.
19,000 CE
Around this time, the nations of the galaxy begin cooperating and the chaos from since the fall of the Yohjan Confederacy ends.
19,180 CE
Dotskgard falls into another bloody civil war.
19,927 CE
The Anarian Fever Crisis begins on Anar.
20,001 CE
Dotskgard's civil war ends as it emerges as a democracy.
20,167 CE
The Abeona Initiative concludes with large numbers of humans leaving Via Lacrimosa to colonize the Lewis Galaxy.
20,310 CE
Itsuki Takanashi founds Takanashi Antimatter.
20,904 CE
Empyros falls and the Great Empyreal Crusade ends. It is divided into Ravi-Anthrovia and Blumeheim.
The galaxy remains united as the first genuine international community forms.
With support from the Vaplein Republic, the modern state of Drusidia forms under Jayvyn Drusus, Hal II's grandson.
21,387 CE
The people of the Yggdrasil Nebula, under Freyja Zhang, form the nation of Vanaheimr.
21,677 CE
Klein Vay leads a coup against the Vaplein Republic, creating Sagittarium.
21,691 CE
Tenshi gains complete control over the Ventemir Galaxy.
22,006 CE
Erstes Konsortium, under Kaiser Isla II, easily conquers the Ouranir Galaxy during the First War of Ouranir.
22,771 CE
With support from Sagittarium, Drusidia begins purging remaining Triumvirate forces in Via Lacrimosa.
23,333 CE
The last vestiges of the Triumvirate are destroyed.
The Gainge are incorporated into Drusidia and reorganized as a semi-autonomous territory called Amme.
23,777 CE
Dotskgard begins construction on Mili.
24,180 CE
Pyotr Drusus I becomes the emperor, he begins the process of the Neo-Terran incorporation and recognition of other species.
25,009 CE
The Erstes Konsortium becomes a constitutional monarchy known as the United Federation of Star Systems.

The modern organization known as the Erstes Konsortium forms.

25,184 CE
Drusidia recognizes the Naidarans as a "human species" just like the Gainge, allowing them to be incorporated into Drusidia.
27,945 CE
Drusidia, Rune-Err, and Mahou unite under one banner into the "Neo-Terran Co-prosperity Sphere."
29,001 CE
The Sphere collapses due to infighting as the latest emperor attempts taking territory in Via Lacrimosa. The Sphere received heavy resistance from natives of the galaxy as well as sanctions from virtually every nation in that galaxy, causing it to collapse.
29,005 CE
Many of the modern duchies form, not changing their names to kingdoms out of respect for tradition. This includes Kristallaus and the Fusion of Crowns.
30,108 CE
The Treaty of Albedo is signed by the United Federation of Star Systems and Vanaheimr, forming the Confederacy of Borealis.
30,801 CE
Regnum Aureiga become an associate state of Confederacy of Borealis.
31,434 CE
Klein Vay dies, causing a succession crisis in Sagittarium.
31,511 CE
The Ekrosian Crusade begins, causing large numbers of The Ekrosian Guardians to move towards Via Lacrimosa's core, causing great damages on their path to the core.
31,580 CE
Felix Abedayo takes power in Sagittarium, brilliantly commanding his troops to defeat the Ekrosian Guardians.
34,122 CE
Drusidia attempts to invade nations in the Fusion of Crowns.
34,207 CE
The invasion ends in an armistice, Drusidia gains territory from the nation but fails to conquer it.
35,009 CE
Dotskgard joins the Confederacy of Borealis.
35,184 CE
Blumeheim and Ravi-Anthrovia join the Confederacy of Borealis.
35,818 CE
Naidaro reforms itself into a constitutional monarchy following intense protest by civilians.
The other duchies immediately declare war on Naidaro.
35,820 CE
Naidaro falls, demoralizing democratic movements among the duchies.
41,000 CE
Despite lobbying by the other duchies, Kristallaus adopts an anarchist government.
41,001 CE
Solomon of Kristadt emerges, leading the collection of ancient ships known as Solomon's Fleet. Solomon and volunteer militias drive back the duchies.
Solomon of Kristadt begins preventing any government from reforming in Kristallaus, maintaining its current state of anarchism.
41,057 CE
Reforms in Sagittarium make it into a democracy, allowing it to join the Confederacy of Borealis.
54,045 CE
AI rights activists are violently repressed by governments across the galaxy.
54,062 CE
The Thalian Crisis begins as the Confederacy nearly divides, perhaps in a civil war, on the issue of rights for artificial intelligences.
Due to Sagittarium's large android population, it threatens to leave the Confederacy, focing the rest of the Confederacy to acquiesce.
59,715 CE
Drusidia and Rune-Err enter a bloody conflict.
59,809 CE
The Emperor of Rune-Err, Nicodemus IV, and the Archon of the State of Tenshi, Meiko Takanashi III, marry, creating a military alliance between these two nations. The alliance creates a nation known as "Tenshi-Err."
60,134 CE
After experiencing a total defeat, Drusidia surrenders to Tenshi-Err.
Tenshi-Err unites with Drusidia into the Dominium of United Duchies which also extends into a portion of Via Lacrimosa and all of the Ventemir Galaxy.
Mahou, Naidaro, and Amme are also incorporated.
61,238 CE
The Demi-Vexlores, as a species, are created as a combination of Human and Vexlore genetic material.
63,001 CE
The Dominium becomes a superpower rivalling even the Confederacy of Borealis in terms of economic potential.
The first Demi-Vexlore becomes emperor, Imperatrix Adeline I.
65,000s CE
As Demi-Vexlores become more common, the line between Human and Vexlore grows blurry.
73,101 CE
Prince Jeroboam is born. The Blessing of Mars immediately decides that he will be the next Emperor.
73,131 CE
Without warning, Jeroboam uses his great power to begin destroying various military bases of the Dominium.
73,132 CE
Emperor Nicodemus V personally ventures to his location to kill Jeroboam.
Despite being a gifted Thaumaturgist, Nicodemus is unable to kill Jeroboam.
Nicodemus flees to the capital world and orders Jeroboam to be killed by the military.
73,144 CE
Jeroboam makes it the capital world, Err, and, overpowering local military assets, kills Emperor Nicodemus.
Several months after, Jeroboam tracks down and kills Yuuho Takanashi, the archon of Tenshi.
Jeroboam kills most of the advisors as well as the children of Nicodemus and Yuuho.
73,145 CE
A strike force sent by the Confederacy of Borealis fails to kill or even debilitate Jeroboam.
Jeroboam flees Via Lacrimosa to somewhere in intergalactic space, leaving the Dominium in chaos.
73,146 CE
A strike force from the Empire of Mankind fails to kill Jeroboam.
73,147 CE
Gen IX, a distant relative of Yuuho, claims the throne of the Dominium; however, few recognize this as legitimate.
In the same year, Drusidia declares independence as the Blessing of Mars chooses a new emperor.
Vexlorian territory begins destabilizing as the government loses its means to keep order.
73,150 CE
In the midst of war with Drusidia, Gen IX abruptly dissolves the Dominium after an excursion into Ventemir.
The remaining species of the Dominium form their own nations.
73,151 CE
The Ror Units and Molkor form the Alkan Intendancy.
88,073 CE
The War of the Ancients begins with an invasion by the Quintet Payotari Association into Via Lacrimosa, provoked by the UFSS.
88,074 CE
The Celestial Plague is released into Via Lacrimosa, causing a great number of deaths and stalling the Confederate counter-attack.
88,116 CE
To counter POLIKY, the Confederacy creates an alliance with an organization Hendrerit that dated back to the Yohjan Confederacy.
88,248 CE
Drusidia and Amme declare war on the Quintet Payotari Association.
88,790 CE
Jezebel II ascends to the Drusidian throne.
88,791 CE
Vignette is completed.
88,905 CE
The War of the Ancients ends, Via Lacrimosa is relatively unscathed.
88,906 CE
Drusidia begins generously aiding the Confederacy in its reconstruction efforts.
88,173 CE
Due to extensive damage by the Celestial Plague, the Un'oit Collective joins the Confederacy.
88,289 CE
The Confederate Government authorizes the usage of the ERS Moon Signal, TRS Last Waltz, and the TRS Night Running.
88,805 CE
The War of the Ancients draws to a close in a ceasefire agreement.
The QPA withdraws troops from the galaxy as it becomes abundantly clear that their invasion will not work.
88,806 CE
The Confederacy begins a reconstruction program heavily dependent on foreign aid from neighboring powers, notably the Duchy of Drusidia.
The State of Tenshi finally joins the Confederacy after being an associate state for most of its history.
88,996 CE
The Tenshin Dispute, causing the Sakagami House to break off from the State of Tenshi, taking a large portion of the Ventemir Galaxy with it.
The Sakagamis form the Entente of Ventemir.
89,977 CE
Government researchers create the first Law Stabilization Device, a device capable of negating many anomalous phenomena.
90,804 CE
Jezebel's War begins after increasing tensions between Drusidia and the Confederacy of Borealis.
91,001 CE
Jezebel's War ends at the death of the Drusidian Empress, Jezebel II.
The Confederacy occupies Sagittarium and reforms the government.
The Kal Federation forms.
96,490 CE
SICTIRIAD technology starts becoming widespread within Via Lacrimosa.
97,821 CE
The Second Treaty of Hiroseh goes into effect, creating the modern Neo-Terran Intergalactic Hegemony.
99,998 CE
The planet Tloinin begins broadcasting its loud signals, worrying many government officials.
Large numbers of what were believed to be defunct factories in the galaxy begin creating large numbers of ships capable of war. These ships began moving towards the Ventemir Galaxy.
Legio, one of the Legions, claims responsibility.
100,000 CE
Current Year
