Amaranth Legacy Wiki

Yav’iina was the religion the Un'oit followed and was the core belief of the Un'oit Collective for thousands of years.


Those who practiced Yav’iina were under the belief that they (read: Un’oit) were the superior race among the life on their planet and later the universe. Upon the discovery of other sapient lifeforms in the galaxy, the Dendrons, religious leaders of Yav’iina, declared that other alien life who claimed to be sapient was an affront to their ancestor-gods the Yav.

It was taught by those who practiced this religion that those less than them were to be either exterminated of brought “Into the fold” as they called it. It was this belief that led the Un’oit Collective to enslave many other different races.

The believers of Yav’iina believed that their religious leaders, the Dendron, were capable of contacting their ancestor-gods and communicating with them. From these communions the many rules and practices came about.


Yav’iina came about around 76333, over two hundred years after the destruction of the Yav Civilization from which the name came. The first iteration of the Yav’stok, or the Yav Book, were written down during this time.

Yav’iina quickly spread across the planet and became the major religion among the various civilizations, eventually becoming the sole religion over five hundred years later in 76856 CE.

As the Un’oit civilizations spread across the planet Yav’iina spread with them, leading to a near lack of religious wars. The only few wars involving Yav’iina as the core source were usually very quick and involved adding to the Yav’stok.

The biggest addition to the Yav’stok was after the Collective came into contact with the Thulcandran Federation in 99362 CE. The Yav’stok grew by one entire book, known now as the Book of Thulcandran Apostacy which claimed that the Thulcandran civilization had been tainted irrevocably by evil and in order to redeem lesser races such as the slaves across the Collective it was encouraged that the Federation be eliminated.

It was soon after the Collective-Federation War that Yav’iina began dying out with the rising of many different secular philosophers and sophists, mostly among members of the former slave races. By the time the Collective joined the Confederacy of Borealis, Yav’iina had been abandoned altogether.
